• "Jane!"
    That would be my name, being called by my best friend, Alexis. We're both juniors in high school and we're both girls, but that is our only similarity thus far. My name is Jane Castella. I am a plain girl with a life full of issues. My dad does not exist in my life and hasn't since i was born. My mom works hard to make ends meat and i work at the local bookstore to pay for clothes. Alexis is beautiful and when i fell down on the playground and started crying in the first grade, she was there offering her hand and ice cream. We've been best friends ever since in this little town that we call Killumbus, Ohio. Alexis is pretty and would be the most popular girl in the school, if she didn't hang out with me. She's tall, skinny, and blonde haired with blue eyes. While I'm short, thin, and have hazel eyes.
    Now, my best friend has finally caught up with me.
    "Hey, are we going to your place to study, or do you want to head to mine?" I ask.
    "Um, I actually have to go home and help my mom. She's trying to re-decorate my room and I really don't want to end up with an entirely white room like last time." Alexis' mom has an OCD issue.
    "Ok, then I'll text you later."
    As for me, I'm gonna go home and get a head start on my homework before I have to go to work.
    I'm right outside of my apartment building when I start to feel the actual weight of my heavy back and when a cold breeze hits me through the winter air.
    When I step into the lobby, I accidently run into someone or something that feels very solid. I brush the snow out of my eyes and look up at who or what I just ran into. And now I am staring into the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes I have ever seen. I stare in aw at the gorgeous boy that i just ran into. He looks about my age (seventeen) or a year or so older.
    "Could you watch wear your going next time spaz!" How rude!
    "Excuse me! But as I recall you were the one that ran into me!" I say defensively.
    The boy opens and closes his mouth a couple of times, as if he's going to say something, and then he just scowls at me and pushes me out of the way and walks out the door without another word.
    I don't care how handsome that boy is, he's rude and abnoxious and I hope that I never see him again!
    I'm still fuming when I get to my apartment and shove the door open and stomp to my room, completely forgetting that today was my mom's day off.
    "Jane? Sweetheart? Are you okay?" I can hear my mom outside my bedroom door.
    "Did something happen at school?" So concerned, thats my mom.
    "No, mom. I'm fine, you can come in if you want." And with that, my mom heads right in and perches herself on the edge of my bed while i lean back against the pillows.
    "Whats wrong niƱa?" Did I forget to mention that I'm half Mexican (mom's side) and half Italian (dad's side)?
    I exlpain to her what happened in the lobby and she pats my knee and tells me to start my homework.
    As much as I really hated that boy, he was really cute.