All the wolves were asleep in the crowded room all was quiet. Angelina, Shadow Tia and Luna were huddled in one corner. The guys Nick, Seth, and Lane were sprawled all over the little room. A mouse scampered around the room which disturbed Nick. Nick growled. Shadow lifted her silver body out from the others and went and layed by Nick and licked his ear in a calm way. Shadow snuggled up to his black fur and fell asleep, Nick layed his head on his paws and fell asleep after he was sure shadow was asleep.
"Shadow...Shadow!" a nagging voice whispered. Shadow growled. "Shadow wake up!" Angelina yelled. Shadows head flew up and hit Angelina in the face and she fell back on her but. Shadow made a growly laughing sound. "Not funny Shadow!!" Angelina yelled. Then Shadow got up and turned human. "Angelina you are very annoying" Shadow said in annoyance. Angelina frowned. Shadow just snorted and walked out of the room. Shadow came up behind Nick who was eatin a huge plate of bacon and ran her fingers through his soft black hair. "Hey there" Shadow said smiling.
"Morning" Nick replied as he held the plate up so she could take some bacon
"mmm thanks" she said as she grabbed a handfull and sat on his lap. She could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of her head. It was uncomfortable. "What??" she said as she looked over at him.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked serious for a minute trying to hide the pain it was causing him.
"Yes im sure...why would i let the guys have all the fun" Shadow replied sarcasticly
"Im serious Shadow...if you dont want to me and the g...." Nick got interuppted by Shadow
"Im not letting you and two young retards go by yourselvs...they might get you killed, and i want Angelina to come to, she needs to learn." Shadow finished then chomped on another piece of bacon. After she swallowed it she sighed..."Nick, im not going to get killed, everything will be fine, and besides im strong and you know that, and I will be with you the WHOLE time, so no worry." Shadow said as she ran the back of her hand down his check.
He smiled. "I know you are very strong but small an..." Nick got interuppted by Shadow again."Im not as small as Angelina Nick..." She kind of growled.
"Ya...thats true" He said trying not to upset her anymore.
"Im sorry Nick" Shadow whispered.
"Its ok..your persitant...and..I just dont want anything to happen to you." Nick said looking at the floor.
Shadow sighed. "I know, I know." Shadow said as she pulled Nick's head up and kissed him.
Nick smiled. "I have to get in the shower, i smell like wet dog."
Shadow laughed. "Me to, you can go first." Nick lifted shadow up and cradled her and gently set her on the couch, and walked up the stairs and shadow could hear him turn the water on. It was quiet. Angelina was probably out bugging Seth.Tia was probably swimming with Lane. Luna was probably causing meschief in the woods.Shadow sighed. It was to quiet.
Then Angelina stormed in covered in honeycombs. Shadow laughed. "What happened to you?"
"Seth happened" Angelina said frowning as she pulled more gooey honeycombs out of her hair.
"Thats what happens when you wont leave him alone." Shadow scoffed.
"Humph" Angelina grunted and ran upstairs. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door and started to pull her shirt off when Nick poked his head out of the shower. "Angelina?" he said. Angelina pulled her shirt back down and blushed. "Oh Nick, I didnt know anyone was in here." She said embaressed.
"Ya its ok...Hey can you hand me that towel?" Nick asked.
"Ummm sure." Angelina mumbled as she handed him the towel he wrapped it around his waist and stepped out of the shower.
"Whoa." Angelina thought as she stared at his abs.
"Hey Ang you ok?" Nick asked.
"Oh ummm ya fine." she stuttered as she walked backwards hit her head on the cabinet and ran out the door. Nick laughed to himself. He pulled his dirty ripped jeans on because he planned on trying to fix his car today. "Oh, man" He said as he looked over at the couch. "Angelina were is Shadow?"
"Ummm...I...think she went swimming" Angelina got distracted by his abs again.
"Thanks" Nick replied as he ran to the door and looked down at the beach. "Yup" he saw Shadow jump into the water as a wolf. He changed into his wolf form to and ran down to the beach.
"Shadow" Nick thought. The other wolf didnt respond. "Thats a new scent" Nick thought and stopped dead in his tracks. "Its time?" He thought wildly. "No, No not yet i didnt even have enought time to get the girls out of here..no no no!" He angerly growled to himself.
"Whats wrong Nick??" he heard Shadow.
"Nothing, come home now." Nick demanded.
"Since when have yo..." Nick cut her off
"NOW! Get Tia, Luna and Angelina now Shadow." Nick shouted Shadow growled.
"Since when have you become so bossy?" She growled at him then blocked him out.
As Tia, Luna, Angelina, and Shadow approached the house they saw Nick running towards them "Hurry" he growled. The girls said nothing just did as he asked.
When everyone was save in the confindes of the house they changed back to humans. "Go get dressed get the wolf scent of you fast girls and take these tickets and go somewere." Nick said fumbling around the house till he found 4 airplane tickets. Shadows eyes widened. "Nick whats going on?" she asked confused.
"Nothing" Nick replied. Shadow gave him a hurtful look and ran upstairs covered herself in perfume and put on her black and white converse, Nicks button up plaid shirt, and worn out denim short shorts. She ran down the stairs while she was putting her hair up and Angelina, Tia, and Luna followed her. Angelina was wearing a black sweater and her favorite jeans. Tia was wearing a stereos T-shirt with jeans. Luna was wearing a purple T-shirt and shorts.
Shadow told the girls to get in the truck. "Now Nick tell me whats going on!" Shadow demanded. Nick just crushed her in a hug and kissed her for a long time. Shadow started to cry with frustration. "Nick.." She started to say and Nick picked her up and put her in the car. "Go..." Nick said expressionless and Lane and Seth appeared behind him in wolf form.
Shadow was almost at the airport when she finally realized what was going on. The battle. It was time. He was trying to save us. Get the wolf scent off us so they wouldnt come for us!. Shadow stopped the truck abruptly and put her head in the steering wheel and cried. "Whats wrong?" the other girls asked in unison.
"The battle is now! Nick sent us off so we wouldnt get killed!" Shadow bubbled. The other girls gasped.
"We have to go back!" yelled Tia
"Ya!" Luna and Angelina agreed in unison.
"You guys are right!" Shadow yelled and the truck roared to live and started speeding home.
They were out numbered. 7-3. "Alright guys lets go." Nick demanded and the pack ran down to the beach. They stopped abruptly as they hear a peircing howl. "The battle is on." said Seth.
Nick and Lane nodded. Nick was happy he got shadow out of here so she wouldnt have to see him perish. Nick growled and howled. The others howled to.
Shadow sped down the highway and sped down the turn-off. "Almost home, Almost home" she chanted to herself. Then a wolf ran across the road.
"Not one of ours." Luna said expresionless which made Shadow drive faster.
In about 5 minutes they were home. They parked the truck on a different side of the house. One that was away from the beach. The girls climbed out of the truck and changed. "Nick, were are you??!?!" Shadow said demandingly. Nick was shocked to hear her. "I thought you guys would have been on your plane by now." Nick replied.
"Well next time you decide to lie to me you shouldnt make it so obvious." Shadow said sarcasticly.
"Now were are you!?" She growled.
"Under the ridge past the beach." Nick replied expressionless.
"We are on our way" Shadow replied and the girls set off running. It took them a while because the ridge was about a mile away but not that long. The girls snuck around in the trees until they peeked out from behind a tree and peered under the ridge. No one was there. So Shadow, Angelina, Luna and Tia ran up on the ridge to get a better look."Nick?" Shadow said.
"What Shadow??"Nick replied.
"Were are you guys we are at the..." Then shadow gasped as she looked down and saw an unknown wolf laying there.Dead. She peered farther over the edge as the tide was getting higher and sloshing at the bottom of the huge boulder they were standing on. It drenched their deseaced foe. Then Nick, Seth, and Lane came running out from under h ridge. As a huge wolf was chasing them. It snapped at Nicks tail. "No!" Shadow growled.
"I will not let that thing kill him" She continued. She jumped down to a ledge and started digging at were it connected to the middle of the high up ridge. It was a weak ledge."Nick, Lane, Seth move!" Shadow yelped as she was able to detach the ledge. Shadow jumped at the ridge top as the ledge crumbled beneath her, but she couldnt make it. She fell down with the rocks. She was heavier then the rocks so she fell on the giant wolf before the rocks did, so Shadow and the giant enemy both were crushed under rocks. "NO!" Nick yelped. "Seth, Lane keep an eye out for the other enimies." Nick snapped
"Ang, Tia, Luna help me get her out of there!!" Nick demanded. Then the three girls ran down the ridge to help Nick. They started nosing rocks out of the way untill they found Shadow's body. "Shadow...? Shadow...? Shadow hun please speak to me!!" Nick yellped. Shadow didnt move. "Shadow!!!" Nick yellped. Nick and the three other girls all looked down at the body of there friend, and hero. As they were watching her motionless body, her paw twitched. Nick and the girls gasped. "Shadow?" Nick asked between sobs.
"N..Nick?" Shadow rasped.
"Oh, Shadow we thought you were dead." Nicks crying became stronger.
"Nick, I love you." Shadow rasped again
"Oh, Shadow i love you to so very much!" Nick said. Shadow tryed to get up but let out a yelp of pain. "Shadow dont move...you most likly broke every bone in your body fool." Angelina said sarcasticly trying to lighten the mood. Shadow tryed to laugh but yelped again in pain. "Angelina NOT helping." Nick snapped.
"Sorry..." Said Angelina defensivly. Shadow coughed and some blood came out. "Oh no!!" Nick started to cry again. Then Shadow stopped breathing. They all gasped. Nicks crying became stronger. The girls turned to run to find some help and Nick turned to yell at them, but a shining that came from behind the made them turn around. A sheild of light formed around Shadow. Shadow's body healed itself and when they light went away she was gone. They looked up and the sun was shining in their eyes but they saw Shadows beautiful silver coat shining in the sun. She was standing on the ridge. "Shadow!!" The girls squealed. Shadow gave them a wolfy grin and bolted down the ridge and stopped beside the pack. "Told you i was stronger then you knew Nick." Shadow said jokingly. Nick cryed.
"Shadow, im so happy your ok!" He bubbled on. They walked up the beach then turned human. Everyone tackled Shadow.
"WHOA WHOA WHOA!!" She yelled when everyone tackled her down and knocked the breath out of her.Everyone laughed and got up. Seth and Lane came running back.
"We cant find the others!!" They said.
"Thats alright" Nick replied.
Nick put his arm around shadows wasit and everyone walked home. At the door Shadow stopped and kissed Nick for along time. "I'm sorry." She said.
"Its alright im just happy your alive." Nick replied with a huge smile on his face.
heart heart heart
- by Echidnachimerax |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/31/2009 |
- Skip

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