• Ginger looked around her new schoool trying to find her locker when Renee ran up to her and introduced herself as 'Renee, the eyes and ears of this school'."Do you have any questions?", Renee asked.
    "Not right now" Ginger replied "And thanks for showing me my locker. I am horible with directions."
    "Okay. Bye Ginger!"
    "Bye Renee!" Ginger replied as she tured and opened her locker. "It's so small" she thought to herself.
    "I see you met Renee." said Tyler.
    "Yah. She's really nice." replied Ginger.
    "Yah she always seems that way .. at first"
    "Okay. Well I have to go..."
    "Okay. Me to and by the way my name is Tyler."
    "I'm Ginger but you can call me Ging."
    " Kay cool. I'll see you later."
    "Bye." Tyler said, smiling as he walked away.
    When Tyler got back to his locker he was still smiling, which gave a hint to his friend, Dustin, who's locker is right next to his.
    "Dude" Dustin said "What's with the dorky smile. If I know that look you either met a girl or... or... okay you met a girl"
    "So..." Tyler said.
    " I don't know just stop smiling like that it's creeping me out."
    "Fine" Tyler said "Whatever."
    biggrin biggrin CHAPTER 3 WILL BE OUT SOON SO CHECK IT OUT WHEN IT COMES OUT biggrin biggrin