• Day #1
    By: Gisei
    Do you know what it is like to die? Of course you don't but I do.

    I looked at a beautiful girl lying dead and hard cement. Her hair was a wavy shiny chocolate brown. Her figure was rather nice and she wore a simple white dress, covered in blood to the point where it looked scarlet. I realized ,after a moment, that it was me. My spirit self did not contain any of the wounds from my death. I grew upset at the thought that someone wanted me dead and succeeded.

    I could not remember anything about my life or how I died except I had a loving family and I was 19. I tried desperately to remember something, anything about how I died. Despite how gory the scene was, I had to look deeper to see all the damage done to me.

    I looked again at my dress to maybe give me a clue. The blood was still bright so I had not died too long ago. My legs were purple and black from bruising. My killers looked like they were playing with my arms. My arms had tick-tack-toe boards and drawings carved into them.

    I finally forced my eyes to look away from the scene to see where I was. I was in the middle of an alley in the city. People were passing by the entrance of the alley, not even noticing my body. It was kind of hidden in the shadows but still, I was a little stunned that nobody noticed me or what used to be me.

    I was glad I didn't remember the pain from dying. From the look of my wounds, it looked like it hurt badly. I cried out in frustration that I might never find my killer if I couldn't remember anything. I would find a slight sadistic joy from making that persons life a living hell. I wouldn't let them die, just torture them until they break.

    I chided myself harshly. I wasn't like that. I wasn't cruel like my killers. Even if I lost my memory, I still knew who I was.

    I couldn't take the sight of my body any longer so I walked away. I plunged into the bustling crowd of people, no one being able to see me. I was not surprised for some reason. I could phase through people so it made it easier to move. I thought about what I would do next. Eternal life gave me time to waste. I didn't have to worry about living my life to the fullest because I didn't have one. The idea of being deceased was getting less and less horrifying, though it was still frightening. There was no way I could ever walk along the living ever again. Anyway I had to decide what I would do.


    I hate my life. I am popular and am rather attractive (I'm not bragging. That's just what people tell me.) but that means nothing to me. Nothing ever happens that is unique or different. I go to school, get good grades, hang out with friends that use me, and play the violin to appease my parents. I do not have a reason for my existence. To my parents, I am nothing but a trophy. Over time, I learned this is what my life is and my life means very little. I am quite understanding for a guy my age. I am 18 so I can leave school and my life and find the reason I exist. I yearn to be more than what I am. I want to be free from this life and start over again. I could travel and do something to benefit others but that is a stupid dream that can never be granted. My parents will control me to the grave. In the afterlife, they will continue to haunt me.

    Today was a day like any other. I had school. It was a few weeks before graduation. I had intense, not that it was hard, studying because of end of the year exams. I had to walk to school because in the city, it is hard to get anywhere in a car and the subways are too for away from where I live.

    I was taken in shock when I saw her in the middle of the street. She was very pretty but she had on a blood stained dress. She was translucent and cars were driving through her. Her face had many tears on it. I stopped in my tracks and just stared. She walked towards me with a confused look in her eyes.


    I did not know what to do. It appeared that a guy, about my age could see me. I couldn't think of anything else but to walk to him. He was attractive but it was not the time to be admiring.

    I rubbed my tears away. “Can you see and hear me?” I said when I got close enough for him to be able to hear me.

    “Yes, I can see and hear you. Why don't we go into an alley so you can explain to me what is going on.” he seemed calm enough.

    “Sure. I have a special place where we can talk. You have to promise me you won't get scared and run away. You are the first person who can see me.”

    “I promise.” he said with a nod. He looked uncertain but willing. I felt like I knew him before and that look.

    “Okay follow me.” I decided to take him to where I was killed. I was nervoius he would run to the hills when he saw it but something told me he wouldn't.

    When we got there he stared at my body.

    “This is you!” his voice escalated a touch.

    “Yep, this is me. You can fill in the blanks.”


    I saw this pretty girl that was killed in the most horrible of ways. I knew I had witnessed this scene before. I cleared my mind at that thought because I had never seen a dead body before.

    “You most be the spirit. Who did this to you.” it was gut retching to see. Blood pooled around her and was even dripping from her head. My body went into a defence to protect itself. I mostly used it at school or with my parents.

    “I don't remember anything. All I remember is that I am 19 and I have a loving family. I can't even recall my name.” she started to cry. I snapped out of my defence

    “If I can help you in any way, I would gladly assist.”

    “I would like you to give me a name.”she said still sobbing.

    “How about Brisa. I means breeze.”

    “I really do like that name.” she said, her spirits lifted a bit(no pun intended).


    I hadn't the slightest idea what to do.

    “Alright. First I should probably call the police to report your murder. I am pretty sure you can't do that by yourself.” he appeared calmer.

    “That would be nice if you can do that. Nobody, except you, can see or hear me. I doubt someone could hear me if I called.”
    “Okay. I will do that, Brisa. Oh, if I report this to the police and they identify your body, would you still like me to call you Brisa?”

    “Sure. I would like you to help me find my family. Maybe if I see some things from when I was alive, it might trigger my memory to remember my death.”

    “I will go to the police station and meet you back hear later.”

    “Sounds good and don't tell anyone you can see me. They might think you are strange.”

    He chuckled, “I won't. I might get sent to the nut-house and then who would help you.” I giggled. “I'm glad you are not crying anymore. I will do anything for you.” He smiled and left. He was so kind-hearted. I wish more people in the world were like that. He was also brave for not running away when he saw a dead girl in a bloody dress walking to him.


    I was floored by my ability to stay calm at a time like this. I girl, lay dead on the ground, and her spirit was having a coherent conversation with me. As I walked away to the police station I knocked myself in the head a couple of times to make sure I was not in some sick dream. I felt it and I was not dreaming. I wondered what the girls real name was and what her life was like. My mind flashed back to her body. It was as gory as any horror movie I had ever seen. Who would do something like that to such a gentle girl?

    Minutes later I was at the police station. It was a large brick building with a clock on top. It was old and didn't fit in with the skyscrapers of the city.

    I entered through the doors and into the station. There was a desk with a male police officer filing paper work behind it.

    When I got to the desk I asked, “Is this where I can report a crime.”

    “Yes Son, tell me what happened.” He did not even look up from his work.

    “Well, I was walking to school and I saw a body down an alley. It was the body of a girl and she is dead.”

    He looked at me in surprise. “I will send an investigator with you immediately. In the mean time, sit over in one of the seats over there.” He pointed to an area that had about 30 chairs.

    I sat patiently as the officer franticly called investigators. A few minutes later some investigators arrived and told me to take them to the body. They consisted of two men and one woman.

    “You seem awfully calm for seeing a dead girl.” one of the men asked. He appeared to be questioning me to see if I killed her.

    “I guess I am not panicking because I know the girl is not suffering.” my voice sounded indifferent.


    The investigators were silent the rest of the way.

    When we got there, their eyes opened wide. The woman of the group burst out in tears. She dropped down to her knees and cried, “My baby!”

    I knelt down next to her and wrapped my arm around her. She seemed devastated.

    As she cried I quietly asked, “What was her name?”

    “Her-name-was-Abby-Abigail Christian.”

    I got up and walked over to where Brisa. “You should try to talk to your mother and try to calm her down.”

    “I will try.” She walked over to her mother, leaned down, and hugged her.


    I whispered in her ear, “Mother it's me. Please calm down.” I concentrated completely on getting my words to reach her.

    “Abby, is that you.” she said softly.

    “Yes it is. I love you so much, please stop crying.” I didn't remember her but I wanted to comfort her.

    She sniffled trying to hold back her tears. “I'll try.”

    “Okay, you have to listen carefully. That boy over there that took you to my body, he can see and hear me. It makes me really tired to talk to you because it takes a lot of concentration. I will be hanging near him so find him to talk to me.”

    “I will get his information.”

    “Mother I am tired so I have to go. I didn't know spirits could get tired. Remember what I said.”

    She laughed a little. “That is just like you to say that.”

    I looked to the other two investigators and they looked at my mother like a delusional crazy women. It was understandable considering she was talking to a person that wasn't there.”


    I stood on the side and listened to the conversation. I could hear everything Brisa said in my head. It was kind of strange. I recognized that her family would come to me daily to talk about her. I didn't worry about it. They would feel much grief at the loss of someone so young and if they could talk to her longer, it would mean the world the them. I let out a sigh. How was I going to explain to my parents why all these people come to our door all the time. Eh, it was a long day so I decided not to think of anything more.

    I noticed Brisa had finished with her mother. She looked truly tired.

    “Do you need to rest you look exhausted.”

    “I may. It is hard to talk with the living. Of course that excludes you.” she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

    “Can you hold on for a second. I need to ask the investigators if I can go.”

    “That sounds reasonable. I don't want you to get arrested.”

    I walked over to her mother first to give her my information. “Thank you so much for this you don't know how much this means to me.”

    “I have a gift and if that can help others, I will use it.”

    “Can you see others?”

    She gave me a pad to jot down my information. “No, just Brisa-er-Abby. Sorry, I gave her that name because she didn't remember it.”

    “I understand.”

    I finished and handed it back to her. “Here. You can come over any time if you want to speak with her. I will talk because she looks like it took all the energy out of her.”


    “Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, her body was just a vessel for her spirit. She never really left. I have to talk to the other investigators to explain. They probably think you need to go to the looney bin about now.”

    She nodded and I went to the very confused men. “Do you want me to explain what happened or do you want to use your imagination.”

    At the same time they both said, “Explanation.”

    “So, this girl died, as you can see. Her spirit is walking around and only I can see her. I am apparently a sort of medium. She can talk to people but it makes her tired. When that woman went crazy she was talking to her daughter. Believe what you want. May I please leave?” I raced through my words. They looked even more confused then when I started.

    “You may leave. I don't think you are a suspect.”

    I began to leave and gestured to Brisa to come, “Come on Brisa, do you have enough energy to get to my house or do I have to carry you.”

    “I am not sure you can carry me. I might phase through your arms.”

    “For what has happened today, I don't think there is anything that can't be done.” I picked her up and carried her wedding-style. “You feel solid to me.”

    “Wow! I don't phase through you.” she squealed.

    I took one last look at the two men behind me. They looked dumbfounded.


    My heart felt heavy from the talk with my mother. I terrible for not remembering her. The guy who was helping me was discussing what happened. I could hear his words deep in my head and not in my ears. It was weird.

    “Come on Brisa, do you have enough energy to get to my house or do I have to carry you.” Everything he said was rather straightforward.

    I did not think he could do it because when I walked down the street, I walked through all the living. “I am not sure you can carry me. I might phase through your arms.

    “For what happened today, I don't think that there is anything that can't be done.” I surprised the heck out of me when he picked me up. I felt like a little child being carried up to bed. “You feel solid to me.”

    “Wow! I didn't phrase through you.” I was really curious as to why I didn't phase through his arms. Maybe it was because …. well..... I couldn't put my finger on it. “Oh, I forgot to ask, what is your name? You have been helping me all day and I don't even know your name.” I felt bad for not asking it earlier.

    “You don't have to apologize. You have had a long, emotional day. I wouldn't expect you to be worried about whether you asked me my name or not. Anyway, my name is Johnathan Small. I am 18 years old. I know my age is not important but I felt like sharing it.”

    “I thought you were older than me. You look at least 20.” I was almost certain he was older then me. I drifted off to sleep.


    She was pretty as she slept. I looked at her any chance I got while fighting to get through the crowds of the city. She was so sweet and sincere about everything she said. I was glad I got to meet her though I wished it was under different circumstances.

    As we neared my house I decided it was time to think up an excuse to why I didn't go to school. In the end I decided to tell the truth. I would have to wake Brisa up because my parents are skeptics and would think I had run out of all the good excuses. When we reached the apartment I woke up Brisa.

    “Brisa, please wake up.” I said in my best soothing voice and nudged her gently.

    Her eyes fluttered open, “Are we here?”

    “Yeah and I need a favor.”

    “What do you need?”

    “I am sorry to ask this of you but can you talk to my parents?”

    “I will. I can't talk much because I am still tired but just a few words should be fine, right?”

    “Yes. You can sleep on my bed when you are done.”

    “Sounds good!” She smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

    When we got to my apartment I said, “Ready?”


    As I expected my parents were at the door with a scowl on their faces. “Where have you been all day.”

    “At a crime scene. A girl was murdered and I found her body.” My voice was plain and without emotion. This was my dead voice. I was brought back to the reality of my life.

    “I don't believe you.” My mother hissed. “I think you were with your friends playing all day. You don't even have a sad tone in your voice.”

    “Do you want proof?”

    “Yes but it will be hard to convince us.” my dad said without kindness.

    I sighed. “Fine. Brisa can you please talk to my parents.”

    “Yes.” She walked slowly. “I can try to make them see me.” I could see her concentrating.

    “Holy ****” mom said.

    “I can't tell if you can see her or not because I can see her all the time. Do you believe me.”

    “Yeah, I-I guess.” my dad stammered.

    “Brisa you can go back to normal. I'll show you to my room”

    “Wait, you can not let a girl in your room!”

    “A dead girl? No offense Brisa.”

    “None taken. Just take to your room.” she sounded more groggy than ever.
