• Every kid has tried to convince their parents to let them do something they want to do even if their grades were bad or their room was a mess. It’s already hard enough to convince them to let them go to your friends house if you are one of those kids. I was about to intend on convincing my parents if I could go time traveling with an alien who I barely know…and I have a bad grade in math. Wow, this was gonna be interesting.

    The rest of the school day was weird. My science and band teachers were back and they had no clue that they were gone, Katie doesn’t remember the insanely cute alien substitute that we had in science, and nobody remembers the mysterious blue box found in the janitor’s closet. It’s hard to believe that those things never happened…but they did.

    The bus ride was as ordinary as it ever was. Same old people being idiots in the back seats, and spit wads, and candy wrappers flying everywhere. Same old bus ride. I could see my sisters in the front. Kara is listening to her cd player which was probably on full blast. Bryn is talking to her friends, and a couple of them who I really don’t like. And Kendra playing her games she makes up in her head. Little kids have such great imaginations. I was happy that I didn’t have to imagine them anymore.

    I could still barely believe what happened. The incidents rewinded and replayed in my mind like a movie. And the Slitheens screams echoed through my mind.

    Finally, the bus got to my stop. I hurried off the bus, eager to get home. Grandpa had come to pick us up in the van as always.
    “I call shotgun!” I exclaimed.
    “Don’t you always?” Kara asked loudly because of the headphones in her ear.

    “So,” Grandpa asked as we all got in the van, “how was school?” Kara said “bad”, Bryn said “okay” and Kendra began to talk and talk about show and tell in her kindergarten class. Wow, I thought I talked a lot!

    We finally pulled up at our house. I hurried out of the van, not saying bye to Grandpa as I always do. I was eager to ask my parents, but nervous at the same time. What if they think I’m crazy? Well, if the Doctors here, I should be able to prove it. And there the Tardis was, hiding behind a group of fallen trees.
    “Whatcha looking at?” Bryn asked.
    “Nothing, I thought I saw Sly.” Sly was one of our many cats who was mean to all the other cats. Every time he’d appear, we’d scare him off. By the way, we do have A LOT of cats. My mom is the “cat queen of Tollhouse.”

    Anyway, I walked in the house and threw my bag on the couch, “Hey dad,” I said as I walked into the den. He was on the computer playing Guild Wars, “Where’s mom?” I asked.
    “In the kitchen.” he answered.
    Good thing mom was off work that day. I walked into the kitchen and the smell of pumpkin bread instantly filled my nose.
    “Hey mom,” I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
    “Hey, how was school?”
    I sighed, “Eventful.”
    “What happened?” she asked as she opened the oven and took a couple of loaves out.
    “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
    She placed the loaves on the counter to cool off and put another couple of them in the oven.
    “Humor me,” she said.
    “Alright,” I said. I breathed in and out a couple times before I opened my mouth again. “Here I go.” I thought. “This cute British sub came and taught my science class a couple of days ago, and do you know how that blue box was found at the school? Wait, no of course you don’t. Anyway this cute sub happens to be an alien time travel person who goes by the name “Doctor.” The cops took his box, which is actually his spaceship, and he had to get it back. Meanwhile, me, Austin, and some other kids from London were being chased by these green aliens called the Slitheen, while Sarah Jane and the Doctor were trying to get the Tardis back…that’s the name of the spaceship…and they got it and we went back in time to where this never happened, and now I’m back here, trying to convince you to let me travel with this Doctor.”
    I swear I didn’t breath through that whole thing.
    “You’re beginning to sound like me,” mom said laughing.
    “No, mom this is serious! This isn’t a joke! I’ll prove it to you. Come on.”

    We went outside and walked towards the fallen trees. Mom was in for a surprise.