• Since the accident Cheryl has never been the same. She gazed off into space and is constantly staring out the window. "Cheryl!", her best friend April suddenly shouts. Cheryl shakes her head and turn back to her friend. She noticed the flask and forgot she was in biology class working on an experiment. "We need to finish the project! You need to focus. Okay?" April says. Her voice dripped with her seriousness and irritation towards her friend. Cheryl spoke in whispers, "I'm sorry." She leaned back and looked down. April touched her arm regaining her sympathy towards her friend. She knew Cheryl had had been having nightmares since the terrible car accident. "Its okay" She gazed around the class noticing that the other classmates were getting ahead. "We need to finish this project though, like now. It's 50 percent of our grade.", she said getting serious again but keeping her voice down. "Okay" Cheryl began helping her friend.
    After about 15 minutes of work Cheryl again gazed out the window. Watching the cars race by on the road. She grabbed her chest and began to pant heavily. Her accident had left her scarred and with terrible nightmares. It had only been 6 months since the accident but she could still feel the sting of glass going through her chest. The sight of the door flinging over. The feel of being thrown 10 feet out of the car and against the pavement. She was lucky to be alive. April noticed her friend fast breathing and touched her shoulder. Cheryl suddenly feeling another humans touch jumped.
    April quickly moved her hand and looked right into her friends eyes. "You know you didn't to come to school today. If this is too much for you, you can go home. All the teachers know what happened, I'm sure they would understand." Cheryl shook her head and looked down again. Tears gathered her eyes. "I know I don't have to be here." She looked back at her friend, and said with a smile on her face, "I want to be."