• He walked slowly nearing his school. His backpack slumping over his shoulder, he whistled lightly to himself. He felt eyes on him as he turned the corner.

    Leaf Campbell began to jog as he met eyes with a man in about his 40’s. He looked away and focused on the sidewalk. Leaf looked back as the ban got closer, pushing his way from a group of collage kids. Leaf looked back and turned into an ally.

    “We know your hear,” a crisp voice called out. “Stop hiding.” Leaf held his breath as the man zoomed by trying to keep up with him but lost. Leaf stayed in the ally for five minutes making sure the man was gone.

    Leaf shuffled out of the ally casually. The winter breeze turned into warm spring feeling. The sun was melting all the snow in Wisconsin and was now showing signs of spring.

    He jumped up a stair and landed in front of his friend Kurt Benchman. He startled Leaf. “Howdy,” Kurt smiled robotically. Leaf raised his eye brow and waved. “How’s the weather?” Kurt slowly looked up like he was a robot. “Wouldn’t you know?” Leaf asked pushing his back pack up his shoulder. Kurt seemed to freeze as he walked. His feet made clinking noises as he walked.

    Leaf stopped and looked at him, “You sure your alright?” Kurt just smiled and continued to walk along side Leaf, "Hows The weather?" Leaf walked faster away from Kurt trying to solve what's up with him. He stopped and looked behind him. The Man