"Beep.Beep.Beep" the annoying, persistent beeping of his alarm clock woke Nathan from his heavy slumber. He checks his phone. "One New Message" it read. He checked who it was from. Tyler. He opened the text and it read, "Hey I just got back from The Amityville House of Horrors. Beat that!" Nathan and Tyler had a competition going of who can visit the scariest places out there and come back to tell the tale, and as of now, Tyler was up on Nathan. Nathan had to find something good and fast.
After waking up and doing his daily routine, of showering and getting ready, Nathan headed over to his computer. He opens up his browser, and types in, "Scariest place in the United States". He sees one link in particular that catches his eye. Silent Hill, West Virginia.
Silent Hill......Silent Hill......"Why does that name ring a bell?" Nathan thought aloud. He strolled down the site page, noting the gruesome pictures of all the tragedies that have taken place there. One in particular, was about the ghastly murders of countless numbers of children by a man by the name of Walter Sullivan. The bad part about it was no one ever caught him and it is rumored that he is still in hiding in Silent Hill. One final message caught his eyes. "Few have ventured forth to this portal of evil, will you? And if so, can you survive the nightmare?" With his new destination decided, Nathan printed out directions, and with a soft beep turned off the computer and layed on his bed, thinking about his trip, soon falling into a deep, unintentional slumber.
Gage layed in bed waiting for his alarm to go off. He had always woken up earlier then it. He turned to his side, glancing at it. 11:00. "s**t! I’m like four hours late!" Gage shouted in his room, he didn’t even bother to get up because if he had gone to school now there’s only two hours left. "Ahh. danggit." he said with the rain brushing against his window. He put on his lime green converse, his blue skinny jeans, his bracelets, belt and his black shirt on. Gage planned on going for a walk. He didn’t bring anything like his umbrella, but only his iPod.
"Damn it Mr. Stratos! What the hell is this?"
There was Mr. Bryan, going off like usual as he held Anthony's essay.
Anthony Stood in the doorway of Mr. Bryan's Chemistry class, facing a red faced Mr. Bryan.
It was lunch time, so everyone had left the classes. Everyone, except Anthony. Anthony smiled as he faced Mr. Bryan with a rebuttal. "That sir," said Anthony “is the greatest example of Boyle's Law that I can think of. Is it not genius? Of course it is!" Anthony's tone was that of a haughty person.
Mr. Bryan stared at Anthony in the face with hatred so pure, that you could cut the tension in the room with a knife.
"I warned you Stratos, that if you screwed up one more time that you would fail this class. I tried to tell you, I begged you, 'No more' I said, 'Please' I said. But what do you go and do? Give me the stupidest essay I have ever seen! I'm sorry Mr. Stratos, but...MR. STRATOS! LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SPEAKING TO YOU!"
Anthony had been playing with his curly hair and had been staring out the window just over Mr. Bryan's shoulder. "It's raining."
Mr. Bryan began screaming at Anthony.
Anthony was still staring out the window. "I love it when it rains." he said with a smile on his face.
He started dancing around, singing “Rain, come and play, visit me on every day!"
"Your mother" said Mr. Bryan “would have been very disappointed, to see her failure of a son. No wait; blame the parents not the child. Your mom was probably a whore who did crack with the money she received prostituting! That’s why you’re fatherless. She probably did the drugs while she was pregnant with you. That’s why you've become a free...”
Mr. Bryan stopped speaking, for he could no longer speak. He was on the ground, gasping for air, with his fat jiggling the whole while.
He put his hand to his nose to discover he was bleeding. As he looked up, he saw Anthony run out the door.
"YOU’RE GOING TO JUVY...." and as he rose up and walked to the phone, he finally finished his earlier sentence.”...freak."
Gage took the bus and was now sitting on a bench next to the school, awaiting to see if miles would show up at school today, but since gage didn’t go to school he had to wait for him like a stalker. "Herm...” he said under his breath.
It was 11:15 when the silence in Rodolfo’s room was broke but the loud boisterous "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" of his alarm clock. Rodolfo let out a short sigh then sat up, turning the annoying machine off. He looked around his room it seemed darker than usual, but he could figure out why until he looked out the window and saw that it was raining. A smile came across Rodolfo’s face. He loved the rain; it brought a great happiness over him every time it was to rain. Rodolfo spoke out loud as he was speaking to someone " hmmm, what a beautiful morning. No better time to go outside and have a smoke? Yes?” He patted the front pocket on his shirt, which was hung over the chair near the end of his bed, feeling for his pack of cigarettes. As he pulled out the pack he noticed that it was lighter and there was no movement of loose cigarettes; he looked inside, to his dismay it was empty. "********.", he muttered, "I’m out... well time to go to the store."
It was 11:30 when Rodolfo got in his car.
He turned the ignition. With a long sputter of the engine and a pot of the exhaust the black 67 camaro reluctantly started. He put it in reverse and pulled out of driveway and then continued forward down the street. Rodolfo was on his way the mini mart across the street from a local school.
Rodolfo pulled up the mini mart and bought his watermelon prime times, he wanted to try something new for once instead of his usual type of cigarettes. Wandering out of the store he made his way back to the back of his car, where he sat down and lit up a cigarette. He inhaled deeply letting the smoke fill his lungs. As he exhaled Rodolfo glanced across the street and say some kid wearing lime green shoes. "What the hell?" he muttered, “why ..." he inhaled yet again. "Why is he just sitting there?"
Anthony rubbed his fist as he ran from the school. Rain drizzled on him, and dampened his hair so that it fell over his face.
"Why did you punch him." he muttered to himself. "You know you should not have done it! What were you thinking?!"
Another side of Anthony seemed to rise to the surface, and as if it was another person, seemed to take control of Anthony's emotion. "He deserved it. He deserved it and you know it."
As Anthony ran, he crossed the street of the school, and headed towards the Mini Mart. Anthony slowed down, so as to not look suspicious as he approached the building. He would need to get a lot farther, because it would be more than likely that Mr. Bryan called the cops. Anthony walked past the cars in the parking lot, and ended up near the side of the store. There, a back alley was present, and houses were on the other side of the fence on the side of the alley.
As he approached the alley, he noticed the growth of vines on the side of the store. He had two options.
Anthony wondered, should he climb the vines and hide on the rooftop of the store? Or should he go through the backyards of the neighborhood.
Anthony started panicking, as he heard in the far distance the sound of sirens.
Gage Got up, listening to music in iPod. He thought a cup of coffee sounded good so he headed to the mini mart. He crossed the street vastly. And he opened the door, shivering but smiling. He went to the coffee machine and got a cup and put lots of sugar in it. Then stirred it and went to get in line. His shoes squeaked with every step due to being soaked. "Burr. I love the rain." he muttered. Soon as his favorite song came on he started whispering the lyrics to it. "Can’t stop the tickles, they call me doctor giggles." of course it was blood on the dance floor. He heard sirens in the distance and looked outside to find cop cars pulling u. "Great...The one day I’m not at school they call the cops on me...” he said not knowing they weren’t there for him, but if they did see him they would most likely mistake him for Anthony. After gage got his coffee he hid behind the isles. He peeked up and saw the cops outside about to walk in. "shitt...”he muttered.
The heavy patter of rain shook Nathan from his sleep. "God Damnit. Ugh" He rolled over and checked the alarm clock. 4:15 it read. It was the middle of the evening, and Nathan needed to pack. Slowly, still groggy from his unexpected alarm clock, Nathan crawled out of bed and walked over to the closet, pulled out a suitcase, set it on his bed, and walked over to his dresser.
"Emma" Nathan said with despair in his voice as he looked over at the picture of his sister who had been brutally murdered by Grey Wilton, who has managed to elude authority for a little more than five years. Nathan would like nothing more than to find that murdering son of a b***h. Dragging his attention back to the task at hand, Nathan finished packing his suitcase and zipped it shut, also putting a lock on it as an extra precaution. He feels his pockets for his keys and is rewarded with their soft jingle if metal touching metal.
He walks out the front door, locks it behind him, and walks out to his car, slowly getting more and wet by the consistent downpour of rain. Shielding his eyes, he unlocks his car and gets inside, shutting the door behind him. As he starts the car, flurries of thoughts and worries cross his mind. "Is it really as bad as they say it is? Is it dangerous? Will I make it back alive and sane?" So many thoughts came and went as he pulled out of his driveway and turned the corner, giving his house a final worried look before he sped off.
Gage was breathing heavily, at the chance that he might get caught. Still listening to his iPod he peeked up at the cop who was now inside. He was walking around the store checking if any kids/students were hiding in there. Gage slowly switched isles as the cop checked the isle Gage was hiding in.
The cop walked back outside and got on his car.
The thunders stroke in the air and scared Gage a bit. He saw the back door and went through it. When he got out he saw a kid that looked familiar. He went to the same school as gage. "Hey you, do you know miles??" gage asked getting the attention of the guy.
Anthony saw the cops pulling up in near the Mini Mart and the school.
Anthony started running instinctively to the side of the Mini Mart, and attempted to climb the vines that were growing on the side. He pulled and pulled at the vines, attempting to place his foot on some parts. But it was not working; the vine just kept ripping off from his weight.
Anthony turned around, noticing the cops starting to get out of the car. 'Did they see me?' he thought.
'Better not chance it.' Anthony ran down the alley, until he came to an opening that revealed many houses. Anthony instinctively started walking fast, through people's back yards. Anthony ran faster now, and everything around him turned into a wet blur.
He hopped over several fences, distancing himself from the area in which the cops were at.
Suddenly, Anthony found himself immediately up in the air, and just as fast found himself on the ground. He had slipped from the grassy areas behind one of the houses. He lay there for a moment, pain coursing through his body. Rain poured down on him, and he found himself to be soaking wet.
As he attempted to get up, he fell down on one knee.
'Gotta keep moving' he thought.
With much harshness, Anthony got up and hobbled out of the back yard of whoever’s house.
Anthony trekked on in the rain, just trying to get as far as he could.
Gage sighed, "oh well." he saw the vines and climbed up them, one of the pecks of being super thin. They wouldn’t beak for him. When he finally got up and sat down. "********! I forgot my coffee inside. Dammit I just got it too. Grr." gage went on complaining. He looked over the ledge and could see that boy running. He got bored after like five minutes and climbed back down. And peeked around the corner after the cops left. And walked up to the car with a man in it. The guy looked out in his twenties and had dreadlocks. He knocked out the window gently. "Hey." Gage said leaning over and holding the hair out of his face with his left hand. His bracelets sliding down his hand.
Taking one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it down to the ground Rodolfo looks around and lays back on the trunk of his car letting the rain hit him. He started to doze off when the sound of sirens made him spring up. With a puzzled look on his face Rodolfo when inside his car and sat there thinking about his past experiences in life the good but mostly the bad. His daydreams were interrupted by a knock on the window and short "hey". Surprised Rodolfo turned toward his window to see a boy, peering into his car. Rolling down his window Rodolfo answers “can I help you, kid?"
"I need a ride to the apartments; can you give me a ride?" Gage asked while biting his bottom lip. Gages bright blue eyes shined in the rain and his brown hair blew as the wind picked up. "Please?" Gage added.
Gage thought to himself, maybe it wasn’t a good idea but it was pouring hard. With thin the next five minutes gage would have been soaked. The apartments were a couple blocks away and it probably would have taken him an hour to get home.
Anthony soon came to a road that was surrounded by nothing but trees. He was now on the outskirts of the town, and didn’t know where he should go. He was shaking from the cold, and he needed to get out of the rain, and fast.
He noticed no cars coming down the road, but thought that maybe he should follow the road out of town.
'Police probably already at Henrietta’s.' he thought.
Henrietta had been Anthony's neighbor for several years now, and was one of the only people who liked Anthony for who he was. Her family took him in only after Henrietta begged them to do so. Anthony has lived with them for a while now. Ever since he lost that which was most precious to him.
Anthony fumbled around with the cell phone in his pocket as he thought of Henrietta. He started laughing out loud, remembering what she had said to him one time at school.
Anthony looked around and noticed a parked truck on the side of the road. Anthony ran towards it, and saw a woman working on the engine in the rain. She was wearing a flannel shirt and a red trucker hat that had a picture of some sort of football team. She also wore a yellow rain coat that reminded Anthony of a firefighter. Anthony leaned against the truck, and she noticed he did so.
"My god boy! You’re soaked to the bone!"
She said.
Anthony ignored her statement, and said "Hello Madame! Fine weather we are having, yes? I was wondering if you could help me with something."
The driver looked at Anthony skeptically. "Depends." she said "What exactly do ya need help with?"
"I need a ride, please, to wherever your going." for once Anthony spoke with a serious tone.
The truck driver looked at Anthony, with a twinkle in her eye.
"Well, I usually don’t allow this.” she said. "But lucky for you I need some help."
"Ya see, I'm from out of state and seeing as you’re a local, I was wondering if you could help me get to my destination. You do that for me, and I'll take you with me."
Anthony thought for a minute if he should actually go through with this.
He looked up at the trucker."It’s a sure deal Madame! A sure deal indeed!"
"Well alright. By the way, name's Sheryl. What about yourself?"
Anthony smiled as he said, "Patrick."
The two started to get in the truck. Anthony put on his seatbelt, and started playing with the fuzzy dice hanging from Sheryl's rearview mirror.
Anthony smiled. "This is fun." he said. Sheryl handed him a thick poncho. "Here, to keep ya warm."
Anthony put on the poncho. He felt like a Mexican bandit from cowboy days.
"Now," said Sheryl, "How do I get to Shepherds Glen?"
"A ride?" replied Rodolfo, “do you normally ask total strangers for rides? But sure I can give you a ride...BUT I need to drive somewhere really fast to run an errand, that alright?" Rodolfo reaches over to unlock the passenger side door. "Shepherd’s glen is our destination" Rodolfo tells the boy.
Several hours later, Nathan was at the end of his printed directions. "Ummmm that's weird, no Silent Hill. Hmm...." Nathan said, thinking aloud. He was on a one-way street and didn't want to turn around so he kept on driving through the wooded area of West Virginia. Soon, Nathan came upon a sign. Shepherd's Glen.6 Miles.
Arriving into town, Nathan soon noticed that the town was extremely quiet. All most too quiet. Like a perfect horror movie cliché kind of silence."This is really starting to creep me out, I’m not even there and already I'm freaking the ******** out" Nathan quietly murmured to himself, fear evident by the tremble in his voice. He saw a quiet diner off the side of the road and immediately wanted to go there. Not just hunger driving him to go, but some unknown force, pulling him towards it, like a puppet-master controlling his marionettes. He parks the car, gets out, and walks through the main door.
Inside, there is only one waitress at the bar. The bar reminded him of something out of a 60's movie. He walked up to the bar and sat on one of the cherry red stools. "What can I help ya with? The waitress asked, Nathan detecting a slight Southern drawl to her voice.
"Yeah, can I get a coffee? Black. No sugar, creamer or any of that s**t." he asked. She left him in silence to go fix up his coffee. A moment later she came back with his coffee. "Anything else?" she added.
"As a matter of fact there is. How do I get to Silent Hill?" he asked. A look of anxiety slowing crawling on to the waitress' face.
"Okay thanks & not always, just some times, and okay its fine by me heh." Gage said walking to get in the car. After he got in he put his seat belt on and fixed his hair. "So how do you like the weather?" gage asked trying to make friendly conversation.
"Well kid I wouldn't go getting in just anyone’s car. Not a smart thing" Rodolfo said with a smug look on his face.
"Oh the weather is amazing, doesn’t thee rain just fill your soul?" he answered. “By the way the name is Rodolfo. Mind if I smoke?" before he could get a reply he pulled out his lighter and lit the cigarette.
"Yes! The rain is majestic.hehe I’m Gage, and nahh I don’t mind, actually may I have one too?" Gage said with a fake smile and winking even though he wasn’t joking. "So why you going to Sheperds glen? Isn’t it by that creepy place called silent hill??" he asked. The window wipers were wish washing the windows and the rain turned to small hail. "That’s weird...” he muttered to himself.
"Yeah sure help you” Rodolfo said with a smile as he handed Gage the pack and the lighter.
'Boy this kid talks a lot' he thought to himself.
“I need to stop by a friend to get a few things that I left there. hmmm hail... weird?" said Rodolfo
'silent hill...' he said under his breath.
As they started to drive away down the road to hail and rain got worse as they left town and headed down the country roads toward Sheperds glen. To ease the silence Rodolfo turn on the radio. A catchy tune came one... “Rah ah-ah-ah, ro-mah-mah, Gaga ooh-la-la”
Gage took the lighter and a cigg from the pack. "Thanks” gage said lighting up the flame and touching the tip of the cigarette. He took a short inhale and shortly after exhaled. "Oh, that’s cool." Gage said, looking at the trees past by on the sides of the car.
"Can I change the station??" He asked. "Like 97.1?" Gage added. Gage always spoke a lot he was just really friendly. "I like good music." He said winking again.
"Yeah go ahead, turn it to whatever you want." Rodolfo said with a smile.
"This ride is a lot longer then I remember and the road is starting to get slick, I hope my car doesn't start to hydroplane." Rodolfo said as he turned the windshield wipers on their highest setting.
Trying to see better he leaned toward the steering wheel. But still it was hard for him to see so he gave up on that and sat normally and turned to gage and asked “so I saw you sitting on a bench outside that school. Why?"
"Well my friend Miles went on a vacation a month ago to a camping ground just outside of Silent hill, but he never came back. So I thought he might be at school today, but since I was late by four hours I was just waiting out front to see if he just took an extra longer vacation." Gage said while changing the radio station. "That’s weird, the stations won’t play anything...” he said. All of a sudden they turned into High pitch screech sounds, "What the?!" gage said trying to turn it off but it wouldn’t. "It won’t stop!"
As Gage told him why he was on the bench by the school Rodolfo noticed headlights coming toward them in the distance. "Oh well since has not back then maybe has still camping? There couldn't be another reason?" replied Rodolfo.
"Whoa!" exclaimed Rodolfo" why the ******** is it doing that?!" As he fumbled around with the radio they both fail to see the headlight approaching. BAM! Rodolfo hit the radio with the side of his fist. It stopped. With a long sigh Rodolfo looked up and saw that the head light were only 20 feet ahead of them! The oncoming vehicle was just about to hit them as Rodolfo sharply turned to wheel to the right, to only have the back end of his car clipped but the other vehicle that sent his car in to a spin. As he tried to straighten the car back out he yelled “HOLD THE ******** ON!". Knowing that there was no way that the car was going to straighten out, with one last attempt to gain back control Rodolfo turn the wheel hard to the left. Still nothing as the car spun out of control toward the side of the road. The car flipped into the air and rolled down the slight decline on the side of the road. BAM! The car came to a sudden stop after it came in contact with a huge tree.
"Excuse me sir but what did you say?" the waitress asked.
"I asked you how I get to Silent Hill. Now can you help me or not" was Nathan's reply, anger slowly building.
"Why on earth would you want to go to a place like that? I mean t-" The waitress' reply was cut off by Nathan slamming his fist on the table, spilling some of his coffee.
"Look. You aren't answering my question. Now can you help me or not?" was Nathan's rebuttal.
"Yes I can" the waitress gave in” I can't take you there myself but I know someone who can. It's gated off so you will need their help ok?"
"Ok thanks" Nathan answered. "Here" he said, pressing a crisp twenty into her hand which she quickly stuffed into her apron.
"Boris!" she yelled and Nathan heard a clatter of utensils and then saw the kitchen door open. A huge man came stumbling out of the door, a huge goofy grin stretched across his face revealing a mouthful of rotted out teeth.
Gage hit his head on the side window cracking it. And then the car hit the tree and came to a complete stop.
The car had landed on the roof. Gage looked down which would of been up, if the car was right side up. Blood rolled down his cheek and on to the roof. "Rodolfo you okay?" gage said umbuckeling his seat belt and landing on the roof full of shattered glass. He couched a little and kicked open the crushed door. He climbed out of the car and limped to Rodolfo’s side to see if he was okay.
The day seemed to have gotten even more of an ugly gray than was thought possible, and rain turned into a small hail. Down a long, curvy road, a lone truck could be hardly seen, plowing through the wicked weather.
Inside the truck, sat a woman and a teenager of 17 years. They hardly knew each other, but with each passing minute, it seemed like they were beginning to find out that they had a lot in common.
Laughter could be heard between the newfound friends, and it was only broken by the cough that Anthony produced from his mouth.
"Whoa Pat, you O.K. there?" asked Sheryl with almost a motherly sense about her.
"Yeah, just a bit chilled from earlier I guess. Don't worry about it Sherry." stated Anthony in a playful tone.
"Ya know, I worry about ya Pat." The two looked at each other and laughed. "Seriously though, I do have a question I'd like to ask ya Pat." The air between the two seemed less friendly now, and became colder not due to the actual temperature of the truck, but because Anthony felt a strange feeling coming over him from the tone in Sheryl's voice.
"Shoot away, meh frenn!!" said Anthony in a mock-Irish voice.
"What exactly where you doing in the middle of nowhere out in the rain like that? I aunt stupid Pat," at this point Anthony hid a smile, knowing that she must have been for taking him along and believing his name was Patrick, "So tell old Sherry, what exactly it is your doing right now."
Anthony seemed to get uncomfortable, but did his best to hide it while saying "Well, I..."
Suddenly Anthony was interrupted by a raspy electronic noise, followed by a voice he had never heard before. He looked around and found that the source of the noise was from a little speaker above Sheryl's head. It was her CB radio, guessed Anthony.
"...do you copy? Big Bessy, this is Waterlog, do you read me? HEY SHERYL!"
The voice sounded like a man, but who was turned into a robot or something, or so thought Anthony. Sheryl pulled down her end of the radio that looked like a Walk-E Talk-E connected to the main unit by a rubber coil.
"10-4 Waterlog, Big Bessy here, reading your fat a** loud and clear. Over" Sheryl said with a light, joking tone.
"You’re still on your way over to Shepherd’s Glen? Over."
Sheryl looked at Anthony and smiled,"Damn straight I am, still got the map and everything."
At this point, Anthony felt a sickness come over him. He realized the gravity of the situation he was in, the second she said those words. "Alright Big b***h, oh s**t I meant Bessy." said the other driver, in a sarcastic tone. "Waterlog Out."
Sheryl put the microphone thing back in its place, and kept on driven ahead.
Anthony looked out the window, so as to avoid Sheryl's gaze. She had had a map. Why did she ask him for directions when she had a map. Thoughts, dark and horrible, filled Anthony's head. He loved to joke around and lie to people, it was what entertained him. But now he had been lied to, and the cost could very well be his life. 's**t...I shouldn’t have come, I shouldn’t have come, and I shouldn’t have come' he thought to himself.
"What's wrong Pat?" Asked Sheryl, obviously not realizing she had revealed herself to be a liar.
Anthony faced the window as he replied "Nothing, I'm as fine as a bee sipping honey."
Sheryl said nothing for a while, leaving an awkward pause between her and Anthony. Finally, she spoke. "Your lying through your teeth, I can see it."
Anthony, being skeptical, first thought that she was not human and was staring through the back of his head and saw his face. But then he realized, she was looking at his face through the reflection of the truck.
"Sheryl, look, please just...."
Sheryl looked at Anthony with concern, but he knew she was a fake. She had to be! How dare she go around lying like she did!!!
But what could Anthony do? He couldnt call anyone, she was right there and they would never reach him. He couldnt jump out of the truck, he'd get hurt. All he could do, was wait until they stopped to leave. Yes, he may die, but it was his only reasonable chance.
Anthony lay his head against the window, and took of the poncho. He curled into a ball as he told Sheryl "I'm tired....that’s all."
As he closed he could feel Sheryl patting his back. A shiver crawled up his spine. "Don’t worry Pat, you can rest. I'll just figure out the road from here."
"Liar..." thought Anthony, as he fell into one of the most uncomfortable sleeps of his life.
Gage tried opening the door that kept Rodolfo inside. "EHH!" Gage said trying to open the door which was broken and bent out of place. He looked through the window to try and see if he was okay.
The lights of a big truck coming around the corner shined in gages eyes. He knew this could be his only way to help Rodolfo, so he ran up the muddy decline of the hill slipping once but getting back up after.
Gage stood on the side of the street raising his hands trying to get the attention of the huge semi. “Help!" Gage screamed. But the sound of the semi blocked out everything gage was screaming. "PLEASE HELP!!" Gage screamed at the top of his lungs. The rain and wind together already had made Gage soaking wet. He waved his hand in the air and was jumping up and down still trying to get its attention. The semi had just pasted Gage when he turned around and tried getting its attention through the right side view mirror.
Silent hill- Escalation
ll Fist Fighter Tifa ll
I watched the movies and played the games, i was inspired! (: So far this are just the first two Chapters. ;] Hope you like it!!! ^_______^
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