• (Introduction)

    My name is Londro, I'm a 19 year old widow in a small log cabin, I live in a small village called "Ponsing," Ponsing makes very few money so we aren't really a good, fancy village. I live with my mother, father and 3 brothers.My mother cooks, cleans and takes care of us. My father has a little job of gathering food and water to the little markets in the village. My 3 brothers, ages 6, 7 and 10, all have a same and unusual habit of making things, they might even grow up to be sculpters. My dream was to join the G.E.W, The Gain Extreme War. I have posters and newspapers all around my room. I even sent a letter to them for me to join. My dad would be proud if they accepted.....so would my mom....

    Londro A. Sokodu