i screamed riding chocobos gave me such a kick i just had to scream, the guys all laughed, wild as the yellow bird came i was even wilder

    "angel be careful" Mich called after me as i gave the big bird a kick in the sides to get it to go faster, we were approaching a town faster then what caden had predicted, some of that had something to do with the fact i had to pee and was having to much fun,

    finally reaching the town we where crossing a bridge when i realized the bird wasn't going to stop...... a head were people that might get hurt, we might have once been thieves not caring who got hurt but now we are changing our ways, i panicked and started screaming,

    the guys couldn't help their motorcycles where slower then a pissed off chocobo

    "help me! some one stop this bird!"

    we turned a corner and came up onto another bridge, it must have been a sight a yellow bird with a screaming girl on its back with 3 motorcycles chasing after it....

    finally i decided to bail. taking in a deep breath i jumped off the bird and landed on something soft and groaning, after the shock i looked down to see some guy with black hair and swirly eyes on the brink of passing out

    'oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

    i jumped off of him super fast, and was tackled by forest,and caden "angel you OK?"

    i could only nod, worried more about the kid then myself, Mich was bending over the guy when suddenly the guy jumps up and starts yelling at me

    "what the hell is your problem!? are you crazy!? you could have killed someone"

    my eyes watered up and i started crying, he looked worried then guilty for making me cry,until he heard me laughing, then he got mad again

    "what the hell!?"

    "what the hell!?" i mimicked him just to piss him off some more

    he glared daggers at me, i glared smiley face at him

    "weird little girl"
    he mumbled walking off, i shook my fist at him

    "I'm not little! you stupid grandpa!"

    he stopped in his tracks and turned back to me, caden,forest and Mich could only watch this scene

    "who you calling grandpa?midget?"

    i stormed up to him and put my hands on my hips mad

    "midget? what about you grandma?"

    "oh so now I'm grandma well then your-"

    "Zack that's far enough"

    we turned to see an older looking guy that had black hair too, like this Zack person in front of me

    "sorry angeal"

    the man angeal walked up to beside Zack and looked me over, his eyes landing on my beloved sword, hope

    "you girl state your name and business."

    my facial expression must have change dramatically because Zack smirked

    "names angel, I'm here with my friends caden,Mich,and forest, were looking for work in the fighting industry" i said in monotone

    angeal looked over at the guys then walked over and started a conversation with Mich surprising us all,forest and caden joined me with Zack and they started talking to him

    "your with SOLDIER right?" caden asked getting excited over something so stupid

    Zack looks at him then the rest of us and nods "ya, oh hey, I'm Zack"

    "caden, this is forest and well you already met angel"

    Zack looks at me i stick my tongue out at him, he looks bored when i do that but what ever i don't care what he thinks of me

    forest saved me from Mich seeing my tongue hanging out by saying "we came here to join SOLDIER too"

    "cool, you mean you guys right? not this midget over here?"

    i growled at him

    "no angels joining too, she can fight a bad a** fight any day and where at anytime...in fact she'll be fighting here in less then 10 seconds" forest had his eyes closed, he sensed some strong leveled monsters fast approaching


    they leaped into the air running toward us quickly , i had hope pulled out and cut the first 3 in half, Zack blinked and looked like his own granny slapped him

    "how did-" he stopped short when my sword went right past his face, and into a monster that was about to rip his head off "never let your guard down"

    he turned his head to see the monster fall back dead

    angeal and Mich ran over to us

    "angel you OK?'


    "finemich can we go now? we have to enter soon or else"

    angeal looked at me

    "you plan on entering SOLDIER? your a girl and you'd be the only one"

    "i know that that is why i have to fight and train better then most"

    he stayed silent for a few minutes then told us to follow him, i stopped short when i noticed my chocobo was gone my shoulders slumped, I'd have to run to keep up with them, there's no room for me to ride with my guys and it looks like angeal has no room either, i definitely plan not to ride with brand flacks over there

    Zack looked back at me, seeing me get ready i handed hope to Mich who stuck it on his back and smiled at me

    "hey what are you doing?"

    angeal noticed and turned around on his bike to look at me

    "I'm running duh"

    "why not ride with-"

    "there's no room on their bikes, nor angeals my ride ran off and i won't ride with you brand flakes"

    his eyes widened then glared at me, Turing around he started his bike up, as did the rest of them angeal took a second longer telling me too keep up

    "oh i will"

    (angel, Mich, caden, forest, Zack fair, then angeal)

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