School was over, and one by one students exit the school doors. As fast as I could down the halls FULL SPEED! "Woah! Whats the rush,' Zack called out from behind me. "Sorry Zack, I wish I could stay and chat, but I gotta meet up with Dachii. Can't keep him waiting! Byeeee-" Off I go as fast as my little legs could carry I finally made it to the School Gate. "Your late," Dachii scolded. "Sorry! I was on my way here, but then Zack came up to me and-" "DONT EVER GO NEAR ZACK," Dachii inturupted. "WHY NOT," I snapped. "Because I Li-" Dachii stopped. "Because I what," I repeated, crossing my arms. "What did I just do," Dachii asked himself. 'What do I say?" "Well-" I asked. "Because-" Dachii continued. "I think Zack will cause a distraction to you. Until the Culteral Festival is over I suggest you stay away from him, you understand?" "Yeah I understand," I sadly replied. "Common Zoey lets get going."
    It was a silent walk. There was nothing to talk about and the automsphere was akward. We haulted at the street corner. The light turned green and the people walked across. Dachii was already 10 feet ahead, leaving me behind. I walked sluggishly, and very slowly. I could nessisarily care where I was going. I was depressed because of what Dachii had said. Without noticing, the light that was green had turned red meaning "NO WALKING"
    [[Dachii turned around noticing Zoey wasn't with him. Dachii sees Zoey still halfway on the street as the light stays red. A large truck is speeding down the road twards Zoey.]]

    "ZOEY LOOK OUT," Dachii screamed. I looked up. "OH NOOO! A LARGE TRUCK IS HEADED TWARDS ME!" I froze in fear. "M.....MY BODY WONT MOVE! I GUESS THIS IS THE END FOR ME!!" I felt dizzy. It seemed as the world was spinning and then everything went blank.

    [[Zoey fell and passed out because of high panics.]]

    "Zoey," A voiced echoed in my head. "Zoey wake up!"
    "Zack.........is that you," I mumbled. "NO IT'S DACHII YOU IDIOT!" I jumped up in surprise. "WOAH!! Dont scare me like that Dachii you b*****d!!"
    "Your lucky I saved your life Zoey, you almost got hit by that truck back there," Dachii explained. Oh now I remember. Everything became clear to me. I passed out knowing I was about to be hit. Boy was I stupid. But Dachii.....He saved my life. My eyes began to water. "Are you ok," Dachii asked. More and more tears kept rolling off my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of him, but the tears just wont stop. Dachii grabbed me by the hand. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I bursted into tears. "I was scared," I said "I thought I was going to die." Dachii squeezed me tighter. My tears kept dripping, and falling on his shoulders. I know It's not Zack, but for some reason I felt warm, and fuzzy with Dachii. I never thought in my life i could feel this way. Most importantly, I had never seen this side of him before. The nice and kind Dachii.
    He departed from me after I had stopped crying. He looked at me and smiled. it was a smile that i could die for. "Lets go Zoey, everythings alright now." He let out his hand, pulling me up. I looked up at him. Did Dachii actually.....smile? I wasn't sure was was to expect from him. I guess you could say this whole accident brought us a little bit closer, but who knows? Dachii is a difficult person to socilize with.