• "Please, please! Oh fountain of greatness, hear my prayer! Hear it above all others! I'm in need, dear fountain! Please, Please! . . . Please give me super powers. . ."

    And in a coin was tossed. As the oils from the coin hit the water and sunk to the bottom, the fountain gave a bit of a shudder. Day after day, people, all sorts of people threw dirty metal into its clean, sparkling waters. I had heard so many wishes, ranging from all kinds of depth. The fountain wasn't sure why people did this, I mean, how on Earth was a fountain supposed to give a little boy superpowers? and much less anything else that was wished upon it. . .

    The fountain saw many things though. Sooner or later... or perhaps much later, after many a year has passed, the small children and love struck teenagers that once threw coins into an old stone fountain would walk passed the fountain once more, some had their wishes granted by their own means, some... were still wishing.

    It's quite the interesting thing to be a wishing fountain. . .