• Diamond took a bite of her food and then looked up to meet Raditz's dark eyes. She took in a deep sigh. "Well, I don't even know how to explain it. I guess I was doing just fine, and then one of the planet's inhabitant snuck up on me, and wounded me. I couldn't even go from there. I passed out, and the next thing I knew I was in the medical facility being bandaged." Diamond ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head. " So stupid" she felt like an idiot, and then took another bite to eat.

    "When is your next mission?" she asked putting down her silverware.

    Raditz sighed hearing she was injured so early in the mission though Raditz smiled towards her "Along as your alright I guess that's what Counts eh?" he looked over to Diamonds eyes and blushed a bit, then hearing her ask when his next mission was he started to wonder, Nappa had said something about a Planet of Beings Named 'Kloigertz'. Raditz shrugged and said. "I think our next mission is Two Days away, maybe you can come with us if I ask Nappa to put in a good word." he smiled slightly

    "Basically what we'll be doing is...well...We'll be going to Acquire a planet for Lord Frieza...it'll be the First time doing something like this for me...but I hear Vegeta and Nappa are really skilled at fighting so we should be alright if I'm not as skilled, Raditz Scratched the back of his head. After all the two he was paired with were Elite Saiyajins None the less, Raditz had always wanted to become an Elite Saiyajin to make his father proud.

    Diamond smiled at Raditz for the offer. "Maybe I should heal a bit first before going on another mission. And I doubt I'll be allowed to fight with elites ever again." she replied and the then played with the food on her plate. She felt everything horrible about her mission mistake. So much she wanted comfort but she knew Raditz was not that type, and she tried to shake that Idea from her head.

    Raditz looked up suddenly. He saw Frieza appear on TV above his head. It was the news that always played over and over again. "One day I Will leave this Dirty planet." He felt sickened by the sight of Frieza.

    "Don't leave this planet, please, I don't know what I would do with-"Diamond stopped in the middle of her sentence. She didn't really want to give away any idea she had feeling for Raditz.

    "Don't worry I was just trying to convince myself I would." obviously he didn't do it enough. "I'm Staying heh." he scratched the back of his head then blushed a little more. "I couldn't leave this Planet I couldn't leave my father alone, I cant even leave yo...I mean M..My..Mother" he looked away again.

    Diamond then took a sigh then poked at some of her food. "How are things going with prince Vegeta?" she smiled at him. "Are you guys getting along okay?" she asked, seeing them in line together earlier.

    "I Suppose I get along well with them, but me being a Lower Class, Its Kind of Odd, they look down on me I would say." Raditz Sighed as he only wished he could get the respect of the elite and the Prince without his mother's help. Diamond new after his next mission, he'd get all the respect he needed.

    "Speaking of the Devil." Said Diamond. Vegeta came and sat Next to Raditz suddenly with his plate of food.

    Raditz looked over at him. "Not with your "Elite" Friends?"

    "They want to train, I want to eat." Said the young Vegeta whose bangs hung in his face. He began to inhale his meat legs.

    The girls at the table across from theirs began to giggle once Prince Vegeta sat down. Their group leader, Tiffany, gave Diamond a devilish smile. Diamond was looking for a fight. She never liked those Elite women, even when she was an Elite once herself.

    Tiffany's uniform was purple, instead of pink like Diamonds. Diamond never liked her. The girl always seemed to be all over Raditz, but she could never tell if Raditz liked her back.

    Sliding in next to Raditz, and another girl next to Vegeta, the girl looked at him and asked how he was doing in very flirtatious way. Diamond rolled her eyes and looked over at another table of young saiyan men.

    Raditz noticed the Gang of upper class walking by, a female walking over, He Raised his eyebrow as this Girl had come to sit beside him, as she asked him how he was doing he simply replied with. "I Guess I'm alright. I help you?" he never knew any of the girls liked him, he would always play it cool and cold around some Of the Other Saiyajins, he looked to Daimond only to see she had gotten rather distant when this other female had come over to sit with Him.

    Vegeta hit the back of Raditz's head. "Dumbass, you don't ask if she needs help, that's not how to talk to a girl." Vegeta rolled his eyes and paid no attention to the beautiful Saiyan women beside him. He continued to eat as she spoke.

    Raditz Sighed looking to the Other Girl. "Why are you talking to me?" the Saiyajin kids behind Raditz and the Girl all raising their eyebrows and mumbling in confusion. "You never ever sat with me before or even talked to me, why start now?" Raditz was blind to even see the girl liked him before he was an elite. Diamond knew this.

    He looked back to the group with a Serious look on his face, one kid replying with.

    "Heh We Think its Cool you're on Prince Vegeta's Squad, We wanted to see if we could hang out with you." The seductive Tiffany wrapped her hands around Raditz's large Arm as one of the elite saiyan boys came over to the table.

    Raditz Looked away from the girl and the Other Saiyajin males."Get lost." Raditz turned away. The one young Saiyajin gasped, as the others gave him a dirty look.

    Vegeta glared at Raditz, for these were his people, his league. He wanted Raditz to go with it, but the stupid low class had to make him look bad. Vegeta got up and moved to another table. The girls following him in excitement.

    "You think you're too good to hang around us huh!" one shouted clenching his teeth.

    Raditz Clenched his fists standing up walking over to what seemed to be the leading Elite class Saiyajin of this little group. Suddenly, Raditz punched him in the Gut sending him into a Wall.

    "I Know I'm Better!" he sneered looking over to the other Saiyajins. "Now Get Lost Before I Decide to Kill you all!" his voice sounded So Serious he was never like this in front of Daimond.

    Diamond Gasped as she watched Raditz punch one of the young saiyan men. She feared a fight would break out and didn't want that to happen unless it was with Tiffany, so she could rip the girls hair out.

    Diamond stood up, just incase she had to hold Raditz back from killing anyone. She knew he didn't want to lose the Status he got just due to a fight with a few dumb kids.

    The other girl, sitting next to Raditz smiled and stood up, then she placed her hand on his shoulder and slid it down his arm. "Nice work. I'll see you later." she said winking at Raditz and began to walk away with a few of the lower class Saiyans.

    Diamond glared at her, for she was gorgeous, and had a very sexy figure. Diamond looked down at her body, not seeing much of anything, not even that much breast on her chest. She moaned silently in frustration at this girl as she walked off, then she looked back at Raditz.

    Raditz Sighed as Daimond held him back, Seeing some Saiyajins Walk away in fear and the others walk with the female that seemed to be flirting with him, he blushed slightly as she traced his arm before leaving, he raised his eyebrow and Looked to Daimond. "Sorry about that." He smiled slightly as he looked away feeling kind of odd now.

    Raditz looked diamond in the eyes. "Hey...How bout I walk you home...or do you have anything else planned for tonight?" he asked raising his eyebrow smiling a little.

    Diamond nodded and looked up at Raditz. "Yes, I am meeting with a few friends" she smiled and nodded as she rubbed her torso where she had been wounded. She began to walk from the table. She still couldn't help but ponder about the Female saiyan and the way she touched Raditz. It filled her with rage, and she knew if she ever saw her again, that it would be that girl's last day to live.

    Diamond ran her fingers through her hair and looked at Raditz.

    "I'll see you later then." He said beginning to walk in the other direction.

    She nodded and waved, and left herself.

    After eating with Vegeta, Raditz laid in the grass and closed his eyes at a park near his home. The breeze on planet Vegeta had become colder, but it felt nice against his chiseled muscles. He heard a few footsteps coming his way, though he didn't open his eyes. "Hello Father." Raditz said so calmly.

    "Figured I'd check on you, you brat." Bardock crossed his arms and looked down at Raditz.

    "Why? You never cared before." He sat up and looked at his father, it seemed as if he was almost looking in a mirror.

    "Well, your naggy a** mother told me you have been seeming down lately." Bardock walked over to his son and sat beside him as the wind blew through the blue grass. "Elites have nothing to be depressed about."

    Raditz took in a deep sigh and looked away from his dad. He didn't like to share his feelings with anyone, and he was ashamed he was letting is slip through, so much that his mother had noticed. "There's this girl" He started out.

    "Ohhh." Said Bardock, then he laughed. "You finally found someone, that's my boy! I was afraid you were a late bloomer, since most saiyans are mates by sixteen." He patted Raditz's back.

    "Father stop! It's not that." Raditz leaned forward and placed his head in his hands. His fingers gripped his hair lightly.

    "Is there—Issues with your—" Bardock looked at him with shock.

    "No dad I'm not gay! Raditz hit the ground then looked up into the sky. "She's a low class."

    "Oh…thank god" He took in a big sigh of relief that his son was not swinging the other direction. Bardock wasn't sure what to say. It had been offal hard for him and Raditz's mother to keep it a secret. He would never wish it upon his son. "Find someone else."

    "DAD!" Raditz yelled. "No!"

    "If you're smart, you will. It's not easy keeping it a secret, it makes love very hard. Go get some girl from your class and mate with her. Take my Advice and stay away from this girl." Bardock stood up. He felt bad being harsh on his son, but he knew he had to be.

    Raditz shook his head and looked away from his father. He couldn't imagine himself with anyone. He didn't even like girls until a few months ago. No matter what, Diamond had been his best friend since they were kids.

    "Love ya, I'll be home next week." Bardock said as he flew off into the sky.

    He watched his dad fly off. Raditz stood up; in the corner of his eye there she was, just to see who he was looking for, Diamond. He saw her in a distance, for she was one of the few girls who wore hot pink and neon yellow.

    Raditz began to walk towards her, she saw him, for she stood with a group of girls. She smiled and waved to him, then tilted her head in confusion, for his smile wasn't as large back.

    She dismissed herself from her saiyan girlfriends and walked over to Raditz. His eyes met with hers, making him feel like Jell-O. He wanted to fall apart every time he glared into her eyes.

    Only an inch away he could smell her sweet sent. He gave a half Saiyajin grin.

    "Everything alright?" Diamond asked as she reached for his shoulder.

    His heart skipped a beat.

    "Yes, I'm fine." He nodded slowly.

    "I worry about you." She brought her hand up to the side of his neck. It wasn't the first time she had done it, but this time gave him shivers down his back.

    Raditz looked to Daimond, and to be honest he kind of felt relieved to see her, he smiled a little "Come on now Daimond, you Should know no one really worries about me, Not even my own father." Raditz looked away with another Sigh, it was clear the only reason Raditz was pushing himself so much was to be Acknowledged. "Why you are…why here you…ugh why are you here?" Raditz pouted looking away. "Even Mid Talk I always seem to Screw up. "He thought to himself. He looked to Daimond. "As I was saying, what are you doing out so late Daimond?" he looked down to Diamonds eyes, he had been Diamonds friend since he was just a Small Infant, she was pretty much the only friend he bothered to make.

    Diamond removed her hand and rolled her eyes at him when he told her not to worry. "I was out with some girls, to try and cheer myself up. I guess we were having so much fun, it ran late"

    "I wanted to talk to you anyways...about..something." Raditz blushed and looked into the sky. A group full of girls walked by waving to Raditz. He smiled a bit and waved to them.

    "You're quite the popular guy since you joined Vegeta's Group." She smiled and playfully hit his shoulder. She feared his popularity. They had been together forever, and now that he was well known, she feared he'd leave her and find some new friends.

    Raditz looked back to Diamond and smirked. "Are you…..Jealous?"

    She felt a tad embarrassed as he asked her if she was jealous. She looked back, his eyes, dark, deep and beautiful. She then looked away. "No I wasn't Jealous. Why would I be?" she then looked back into his eyes.

    Raditz Smirked as She Punched his Shoulder slightly; he gently nudged her back and laughed a little. "I Dunno its just...I always Kind of figured that look in your eyes meant that." he crossed his arms behind his head and grinned Wickedly. ."Nah cause I always thought you had a certain hidden love for me." he stuck his tongue out towards Daimond teasing her. He kept his Grin as he knew Daimond would end up refusing her love for Raditz or she would say something like that back at him. Raditz laughed a little more to intimidate her. "I know I've realized I'm pretty Popular now a Days...its Kind of...Odd I Went From Useless brat to Popular Low Class Kid." he raised his eyebrow looking up to the sky.

    Diamond laughed. "Who says you're still not a brat?" She joked and smiled looking up at him.

    Raditz Smirked as She Had Assumed he could still be the same Brat, he laughed, as he knew she was joking around

    She loved staring at his chizzled jaw, and his masculine body that was developing from boy to man. She blushed and looked down at her boots as he mentioned her secret love for him. She wanted scream it badly, but she knew not too. "And what if I did secretly love you, what would you do about it?" her eyes went from her pink boots to his eyes as she felt nervous to his response.

    She couldn't help but think about that beautiful saiyan girl who went up to Raditz and touched him like it was nothing, like she was so confident in herself. She worried she'd lose someone like that to Raditz.

    Looked down at her once more, then as he heard her ask what he would do about her loving him, he blushed gently looking away scratching the back of his head. "I...Dunno..I'd Be Kind of Proud...to be honest...I'd Have to Return Love. "He didn't know what the hell Love was to be honest but he did really care for Daimond

    " I would do anything for you." He said as his face became serious.

    Diamond, quite a bit shorter then Raditz, didn't stop staring into his eyes. She wanted to kiss this little boy she once knew so badly, she was about to jump out of her skin.

    Raditz looked to Diamond's eyes and smiled gently blushing, he winked. "Not As if You'd ever love me though...Your to tough for love." he laughed, after all he kind of thought Daimond was the Toughest Young Low class Saiyan Girl, No matter even if she failed a Mission like She Did, Raditz Had Shear Confidence in Daimond

    Diamond laughed for she knew she was not too tough for love. If anything she was venerable and too emotional for the Saiyan race. Wither she had to teach Raditz to love or not, was a chance she was willing to take.

    Diamond reached for his hand and pulled herself closer to him, only slightly from his face.

    Raditz smiled hearing her laugh, hearing her laugh always made him happy.

    Raditz Blushed greatly as he looked into Diamond's eyes, Being so Close she had pressed her lips against Raditz's Own, he couldn't help but wince and blush heavier, he then calmed himself and closed his eyes leaning into the Kiss holding Diamonds hand, His Saiyajin Tail Wrapping Tightly around his waist as he felt this was an Exciting moment for him.

    "Raditz?" A deep voice said. Raditz quickly pushed her away from him, so hard she fell to the ground.

    "OUCH!" she yelled at Raditz, a tad mad he broke the kiss.

    Raditz looked over to see Vegeta. Embarrassed as all hell, he scratched his head. "Heyyy Vegeta!"

    "I thought I told you, you couldn't be seen with this low life." Vegeta snickered.

    Diamond stood up and glared at Vegeta.

    "Umm.." Raditz walked over to diamond to help her. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'll see you later?" there was uncertainty in his voice.

    " Uh huh." Diamond said as she gave Vegeta one more nasty look. She shot up into the air and flew off into the sky.