• The father swung at his young daughter in a drunken rage. This was a regular thing. Daddy would go to work, go to the bar, get drunk, come home, and beat Chasey, his 4 year old daughter while his 10 year old son Kirk, who was called Oggie which was his middle name, watched defenslessly. Oggie could hear the little girls cries of pain, and then a sickening crack- her arm breaking. This was too much for Oggie. He couldn't stand to hear the sound of his baby sister going through any more of this torture, He grabbed the loaded handgun off of his father's dresser, and ran back into where the madness was happening. Quivering, he aimed the gun at the man who was too preoccupied attacking his toddler to notice.
    The man fell to the floor, dying instantly. Chasey looked up at her brother who was now sobbing, terrified.
    "Oggie?" she asked all so innocently. Oggie pulled his 10 year old self together and took his sister's hand, walking her next door.

    Oggie woke up in a cold sweat. 12 year old Chasey walked into his older brother's room.
    "Another nightmare, Oggie?" she asked.
    He nodded, not taking his eyes off his blankets.
    "Was it Dad?"
    He made no response.
    Chasey sat at Oggie's bedside.
    "It's alright, Oggie. You ended it."
    He shook his head. It would never be over for him. That night would haunt him for the rest of his life.
    His hands trembled. clenching the thin blanket. He never wanted to hurt, none the less kill anyone. He forced a smile to make his little sister feel a little bit better.
    Chasey smiled back.
    "I love you, Oggie." she said.
    "Love you too." He said quickly, quietly. Oggie rarely spoke after the incident. He rarely spoke after their mother abandoned his family, pushing their father to a point of depression where he became a drunk. Oggie looked at the clock. 12:00 midnight. Chasey kissed him goodnight and he went to sleep.