• She stood at the cliff's edge, staring out over the forest. "The forest of time," she said to herself, remembering how she and her friend had named the forest together. Her gray/blue eyes fell shut, and a long silence followed. "The forest of time? That's.... stupid. Like you."
    Her eyes shot open with anger as she shifted her gaze to the long haired boy behind her. He noticed the intensity of her stare and laughed. "Angry, huh? you should think twice before you snitch next time," He gripped the bars of the gate separating them, and he smiled meanly at her. "How did you find me?" he shrugged. "I was looking. You're hard to miss, fatty." He didn't get the reaction he wanted and he frowned. "My, my," She said, "You've matured so much, Alan." and she laughed heartily. The boy called Alan twitched with anger. "What do you know?" He said, clearly incensed. "More than you do, clearly," She retorted, smiling.
    Alan was furious. He wanted to just punch her and leave, but that wasn't the reason he'd come. He came to torment her, and, upon remembering this, he smirked. "So, you're still single?" She laughed when he said this, surprising him. "What would I want with love?" She asked. He stared at her, his eyes wide as saucers. "You.... really have changed then," He noticed a pained look dawn on her face. "What, Jamie?" He asked her. "Do you....want me to disappear?"
    Alan was so stunned by this that he had trouble answering her. She had turned to him and was staring him in the eyes. Searching, he thought, for the answer in his eyes. Suddenly, he answered her, "I could care less. One less problem for me if you did, though," He immediately regretted this however, as she smiled at him. He knew he'd cut her. And he knew it ran deep. "I'm sure you're not alone in that thought..." The sun was lowering, and the light danced across the tops of the trees, giving Jamie, who faced away from him again, an ethereal glow.
    She turned slightly, and Alan saw that she was crying. This set him completely off track. He hadn't come here to make her cry! What had he been thinking? He'd just wanted to rough her up a little. "It would be better... If I were gone," His eyes widened again. "No, that's not true! I didn't..." He started as he watched her step forward. "Jamie," He said, starting to panic.
    She turned to him, her back facing the drop off the cliff. "Don't worry," She said, a restrained sob escaped her in the form of a whimper. "It's not you, I just want... to make everyone happy. To protect them..." She said, sobs racking her body. She started to lean backward, and Alan, who had been growing more and more scared tried to race around the fence to stop her, but he knew he wouldn't make it.

    "JAMIE, DON'T!!!!"He yelled.

    "Bye Alan," Said the wind.