• I was at school and the year was 1888. My twin sister, Lilith, had a school field trip that day. Arithmetic went on and on...
    When the school day was over, I waited for my sister to come with me to go home. But she didn't come. I assumed she was late and continued home by myself.
    Of course, when you're 12 like me there's nothing much to do at home. Later I felt painful. I knew whenever my sister was hurt, I would feel pain too. It's a twin thing. Anyway, it wasn't centralized in one part of my body, as it usually was when Lilith was hurt. It was all over. And it hurt mostly in my heart. Like I was on fire, but not that hot. Mother allowed me to stay home from school the next 2 days, but the pain still was there. And sometimes, it would get hotter. Was that even possible?