• I'm walking down the streets of my neighborhood one early Saturday morning, and I walk up to my friends house. I hear her dog bark in the backyard. Milly, she starts barking hysterically, and I frown, why isn't Amy taking care of her? I ring the doorbell and nobody answers. Her front door is open, only the screen door is closed. I check the locks, and it's locked with a big gold lock. I start panicking. "Amy! Why did you lock the front door, what happened?" I shout her name one more time, before kicking the screen door open. I see nothing out of the ordinary, but I see Milly in the backyard, she's tied to a post, and there's legs. I don't see anything, but someone's feet. I walk slowly, "Amy? Are you home?" I step on a chew toy and jump. "Oh my God!" I take a few seconds to regain my sanity and continue walking. I look to my left and the television was paused. The screen showed America's Funniest Videos, paused on something that seems to be the pause before the funny moment strikes. I look behind me and nothing, I always thought that the smart characters in movies were the ones that looked behind themselves every now and then. I take a deep breath and open the back door. I race to Milly and untie her leash from the post and hold it in my hand. She wines and I quickly turn around, the feet that I saw earlier was Amy's Dad. I scream, and put my mouth on my face, to hide it so that if someone heard, they didn't hear very well. I picked up Milly, she's a medium sized Beagle. I ran as fast as I could out of the backyard. I stop dead in my tracks as I think of Amy, my best friend through everything, I hesitate, and slowly, walk upstairs, the worst thing to do, I know. I clench Milly, and she licks my face. I pet her, to calm myself. I turn to a left, and stare at the white door that had a sign, "Amy's room" I walk towards the door, it was open just a little, and I saw a mirror, but only a smidge. I touch the door, and creek it open slightly until it opens. I take deep breath and I didn't see anybody. I look under the bed, in the closet, in the bathroom and tears fill my eyes. "Amy?" I hear a groan, and I turn around. I heard footsteps and I open the door. "Amy? Is that you?" I look on the stairway, and Amy's Dad is walking up. He looks at me slowly, and that's when I noticed, he wasn't alive. "How is this possible, it's a zombie apocolypse isn't it. My father told my zombies would never exist, you were wrong!" Amy's Dad runs at me, I scream, and Milly growls. I start crying and I run for the nearest window, the front window. I gasp, it's too high. I put Milly out first and I jump out. I'm left standing on the roof and I grab onto the windowsill, I chimmey my way to the left side of the house, with Milly in my jacket. I drop down, and the shock nearly wipes my feet off. I stand and try to run. I make it to my house and grab my cell phone. I take a big butcher knife from the knife stand and go out the door. I put Milly outside and go back inside. I grab some criticals that I would need. I come back out and take Milly, I get in my car and speed out of the culdisac. I turn up the radio and a lady was yelling, "We are being invaded by an alien," and it cuts off to another person, "Zombie apocalypse, I repeat, get them in the head and the will leave you alone. Run for help, or other survivors, they can see and hear. Be careful and try to stay alive. We are holding out the south, you have to make it until you get here. Plenty of food, and water. I repeat, don't get bitten." I take a left and leave the neighborhood. I take a deep breath, and stop myself from crying. I open my cellphone when I come to a stop sigh. I have one text message. It's from Amy! I read it, Get out, your friend wasn't bit, but we're at the south. Don't get bit, and get out of where your at, it's where everyone else is. Your parents are here, so make sure to get here, fast. See you here. {11/3/10} I paused, this was a few days ago. I hope they're still there. I start the car and don't bother looking for other cars, everyone is dead, or in a sense they are. I drive all the way, until I'm halfway to the destined place. I stop for gas, and hesitate because the doors were broken, and there was a sign. "Don't open, we're dead." I took a breather and walked out to the back. There was a horrifying smell wafting from somewhere I thought was the kitchen. I immediately run, there's dead in there. I run to my car, and drive in reverse, to get back on the road. I shouldn't leave the car off, I would need it in case zombies came after me and I couldn't start it. I point the car to where I originally had my destination set on, and drive forth. I put on a sweet song for Milly, who was restless in the passenger seat next to me. "Don't worry, Milly, we will find Amy. Don't you worry about one single thing." I pat her on the head and she goes to sleep. I smile, and turn my attention onto the road again. I drive faster because the car was on a steep hill which made the car slow down, and as the car came I saw millions of cars stopped, some turned over, some on fire, and I saw a fire on the horizon. I gasp, and Milly jumps up. "Look at that Mills." Milly barks, and I hush her. "It's really is a zombie apocalypse." My stomach hurts, and I try to calm myself down. I watched a lot of zombie movies, this is usually how the characters die, they panic. I look everywhere around me, as I'm driving through the flipped cars. Right now I'm so scared I could pee my pants right now.