• I only just started, but the general idea is that Alex is about 16, extremely intelligent, and has telekinetic/psychic powers. She used to attend an elite school called Windera Academy, but a few important people discovered her powers and were trying to control her. That didn't go over well with her...or her body guard/best friend Michael, who has powers similar to hers, so they went on the run and are being hunted by those who want to use her mind and powers for their own purposes. They want Michael's as well, but they have accepted that he will almost definitely refuse, probably violently, in order to protect Alex.

    “Well, Alex, I’m very impressed! Your scores are excellent!” The headmaster said as we sat down in his cozy, comfortable office. He was your typical intellectual, tall, thin, glasses, short brown hair, and clearly enthusiastic about his potential student.

    “Thank you,” I said, careful to meet his gaze and blush a bit with pride. “So many tests, and I was pretty nervous,” I lied, blushing further. “So you’ll accept me into Riverbrooks Academy?” I struggled not to glance at Michael; this had been his idea from the start.

    “Absolutely. Your transcripts show you to be an exceptional student, in addition to your scores on our entrance tests. If your um…guardian accepts, we will be glad to have you here.”

    Now I did look at Michael. He looked as excited as I did, but I knew that he was mostly relieved that his plan had worked. We had both known from the beginning that I could get into any school I chose; the only difficulty was avoiding suspicion. Apparently my grades had convinced the headmaster that it really wasn’t so unusual for a teenage girl to have no parents and to be accompanied everywhere by a young man with long, wavy, black hair, tan, middle-eastern-looking skin, and a slight accent that no one could quite place. Then again, only rich families could afford to send their children to a place like this; the peculiarities of the wealthy would often be forgiven. We had counted on that.

    “Of course we accept,” he said, and turned to me. “I’m so proud of you, Alex! I knew you could do it!”

    Since rolling my eyes wasn’t an option, I beamed with realistic pleasure. Only Michael would sense my irritation. Not that it mattered. He went on for a while, playing the proud parent-substitute, while I pretended to be excited. Honestly, I was looking forward to studying here. Really. It would never be like Windera, but it had what I wanted. Just as importantly, it had what we needed. An incredible educational opportunity, while being little-known and private. We were safe here, and I doubted that either of us would be bored. Classes for me, and whatever-he-wanted-to-do for Michael. That would mean stalking/protecting me, for the most part, but at least he had options now.

    I tuned back in for the final handshake and the promise to have my schedule emailed by tomorrow at the latest so that I could start on Monday. Our last weekend of near-freedom.