• Prelude

    The King of the Gods; Zeus, Odin, Osiris, Popol Vuh, Izanagi. Many different religions, some say that they have never met. But they have, one person managed to get these powerful Gods to fight. It was an untold legend for the Gods and Goddesses were sealed away.
    The person who got them to fight was a trickster, one who managed to trick all the gods he disguised himself as a humble servant of each and told them that he was attacked by the other gods. The gods believed him, all except one and those were the Devas. The man watched as the gods were sealed one by one. However there was not one person he didn’t think about, the Oracle of Apollo. After many years of chase Odin finally caught the Oracle but she revealed to him who the man was. Odin went in search of the man, when he finally found him he tried sealing him. However the man sealed Odin and in return he remained on Earth also sealed but in a human body. This man’s name is...
    The sentence was never finished because the words were blacked out by a permanent marker. A cellphone rang, a girl sighed as she shut the book and picked up her cellphone.
    “Aunt Oracle what do you want, I am or was in my happy place,” said the girl, her mismatched eyes took in the area around her.
    “Your at the ocean,” said Oracle, the girl groaned. “Now I need you to go to Athens and find a temple for me.”
    “There are ruins there no temples remember?” said the girl, she heard her aunt laugh. “What?”
    “Nothing it’s just that I will lock you out again if you don’t go,” threatened Aunt Oracle, the girl sighed before standing up. “Thank you, now off you go.”
    “I am going to kill you when I get back,” said the girl, the aunt laugh saying. “No you won’t now get going.”
    The girl hung up her phone and hopped down the edge of the rock placing her book in a pouch in her long black coat while placing her cellphone in her front pocket.