• I cried. I cried until I had no more tears to shed. Reliving that memory over and over again. Blood, rain, fire, death. Blood, rain, fire, death. Blood, rain, fire, death. I felt pain, sadness, and a feeling of betrayal. I couldn't stand up without crashing to my knees in a fit full of tears. I don't remember where exactly I fell asleep. I just remember, it was a very tall building, and I was on its roof. I woke up to the sun beginning to shine. "Where was I gunna go?" I couldn't go back to my house without seeing Ark again. If I go back to the organization, they will label me a faliure. Where will I go?" I thought. I got up, and flew. Flying was a great way to clear my head. Unfortunetly, I didn't notice my wings were tired until I landed into a dark alley. "Damn, that hurts." I mumbled, rubbing my back. I looked around, it was dark. I got up and heard footsteps. "Well, lookie what we got here?" a guy in rags said, coming toward me with two other guys behind him. I looked behind me, a huge fence, I was trapped. "Crap!" I thought. One of the guys came and grabbed my wrist "What's a beautiful thing like you doing in a place like this?" he asked, his breath smelling like cigarettes (forgot how to spell it). "Hey, boss! She's got a tail!" One of the guys said, grabbing it. "Looks like we got ourselves an unknown!" the guy grabbing my hand said. I snatched my hand back and punched him in the stomach. He fell back, but the other two guys got my arms and shoved me against the fence. These guys weren't human or I'd have been able to get out of here by now, wings or no wings, these guys were unknowns! The guy who was the boss got up, he was pissed. "Make sure she can't move." he said. "You're a fighter. But, that's okay, I like that in a woman." he said egding closer. I tried to move, but the two guys just shoved me against the fence again. My heart was beating fast as I realized the situation. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see, just wanting to dissapear. I may be strong, but I didn't stand a chance against three unknowns and have barely any strength left. I was done for. "Now for-" he didn't get to finish. There was grunts, groans, and when I opened my eyes, Ark was there, looking beat up, but okay. "Ark." I barely whispered. The guys were on the floor. "How-?" One of the guys started to get, but was pushed right back down when Ark lifted up his arm and put it back down hard. He grabbed my hand, and we ran. I was still stunned, I couldn't understand how Ark found me. We stopped a couple blocks away, the street was desrted except for some alley cats. "How did you find me?" I asked. "I was looking for you scince you left. I saw you flying around a couple hours ago. I tried calling your name, but you didn't hear me. I saw you fall a couple blocks away from where I was. Looks like I had gotten there just in time." Ark explained, then began to look me over. "Are you okay? Did he-?" Ark stopped. He looked straight into my eyes and I could see the sadness in his eyes "I'm sorry." he said. I hugged him, needing to feel safe. "Please forgive me. I don't know why I said that. I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry, Jinx." he whispered into my ear. I could feel him start to shake as he started to quietly cry. "When you left....it was like I couldn't breath. Like I didn't have a reason to live anymore. You were also right, I do love my dad. Even though he's a good-for-nothing jerk, I still love him. he lifted his head and looked straight at me, smiled, almost cockily "But I think I might just love you more." he said. I smiled a bit "That, I think I do believe." I murmured. "I missed you." he said. "I missed you too." I said, and he kissed me.

    Next, Magic Melody 34