• Once upon a time there was a lonely man living and managing an Inn. He was the only person there and no one would come to vist or stay. He would sit at the bar and clean only one glasss. He waited and waited. He couldn't leave the hell hole.
    Then one day someone came inside. A beutiful woman with a parasol with a laced dress. He didn't look up. The woman came up to him and smiled. "Can I get a room here?" She said. The man's eyes widened for that no one could see him nor the inn.
    He looked up to her. "You can see me?" She looked confused. "Of course I can see you, silly." She smiled again. The man looked away blushing. "There's a room upstairs... The key is in the room..." She smiled. "Thank you." She replied and walked upstairs. The man countinued cleaning the glass with a cloth. He was happy deep down in his heart knowing that someone can see him.
    The woman walked down. "Can I have something to eat?" The man looked up and nodded. "Just sit over there." He pointed at a shiny wooden table with a wooden chair. The woman nodded and sat there waiting for him. The man got up and went to the kitchen. "What would you like?" The man yelled.
    "I'd like anything delious!" The woman yelled back.
    "Alright.." He said to himself. The dishes magically starts moving by themselves and ghosts just happen to be moving them. The man sat and watched them cook like the usual.
    The woman got up even though the man insisted her to sit. She took a peek into the kitchen and saw everything. The man turned his head and saw her. He shot right up and ran to her. "What're you doing!?" He grabbed her shoulders. "You're supposed to sit down!" He yelled with anger. The man was afraid that she would run away not wanting to come back. "I just wanted to take a peek.." The woman said quietly. "After seeing that..." She smiled at him. "I want to stay here more!"
    The man looked at her confused. "You're strange..." The woman stuck out her tounge. "You're stranger!" She teased. The man looked away blushing. "You can come in here and watch if you want..." He said quietly. The woman smiled. "I'd love to!" She walked into the kitchen. "Don't mind me okay?" She said to the ghosts. The ghosts ignored her while she sat down next to the man.
    The man crossed his legs and stared at the ghosts. "I want to smoke..." The man said outloud. "Why would you want to smoke?" The woman looked at him. He didn't bother to look at her and sighed. "Because I like smoking...." He looked at her. "Got a problem with that?"
    She puffed her cheeks. "Of course I have a problem with that?" She crossed her arms. "If you keep smoking you'll die and become a bad influnece to people!" The man never thought it that way. But he lived for decades, centuriers so it doesn't matter. "I don't care..." He frowned. "I'll smoke if I want too!" The woman frowned. "No you won't! I'll make you stop!" She got up and stomped angreily to her room. "Fine!" The man yelled. The ghosts looked at him shaking their transparent heads. "Get back to work!" The man snapped. The ghosts turned their attention to cooking. "She pisses me off!" He crossed his arms and legs leaning back watching the ghosts work.
    After years they've been together, the memories were sad and happy but it was finally the day when she was checking out. "I'm leaving..." The man looked at her confused. "Is this a joke?" The woman shook her head. "No it isn't...." She held his hand. "I know that we had our ups and downs but now it's time for me to leave..." The man frowned. "What do you mean?" The woman was crying. "I'm getting married!"
    A stab went through his heart. "What?" The man widened his eyes. The woman wiped her tears. "I was engaged four years ago when I came here..." She gave a sad smile. "I love him..." Another stab went through his heart. "The wedding is tomarrow and I can't stay with you any longer..." She got up and handed out a handful of money. "Here's the money..."
    The man glared at her. "I don't want your money!" He shot up and slammed the table. "You can't buy my love with it!" He spitted in disgust and stomped angriely to the bar. He didn't want to look back as his heart was bleeding. "Tch... Women.." He sat down and cleaned the glass as he did before she came. He felt a huge amount of guilt and heard the door creak. "She's leaving..." He slammed the glass on the counter. "She drives me crazy!" He shouted and ran outside. Wait! Wait!" He saw her in the distance. "Hold on!" He ran after her. "I have to tell you something before you leave!" When He caught up with her, he saw her with another man. He stopped and watched her embraced with the unknown man.
    "Hey..." The man said coldly. The woman turned around in tears. "Inn keeper!" She pushed the man she was hugging and ran towards him. "I'm sor-" She was interrupted by tripping into him yet she didn't fell anything that hit him. The man looked at her painfully and hugged her. "I can't feel your touch..." The woman cried.
    "That's because... I'm dead." The man said quietly in her ear. "I'm free now... thanks to you..." The woman saw the male glowing. "Are you leaving me?!" She cried out. The man shook his head. "I'll always be with you..." He then whispered in her ear. "I love you." The woman burst into tears. "I love you too..." But she was too late as the man fadded into the sky. Her husband stood next to her. "What happened?!" She didn't say anything as she cried and cried.
    Years later the woman did not get married. She stays at an Inn. She manages it. The inn was cursed and could not be seen by human eyes. She would sit at the bar and clean only one glass. The glass had a crack at the tip. The reasons were unknown. She waited and waited but she couldn't leave the hell hole. She waited for many decades and centuries. Then a handsome man came into the inn. "I'm back.." He smiled at the woman. The woman couldn't help but cry as she remebered the man she loved all those years ago. "Welcome back..." The two glowed and faded into the clouds where god was smiling down on them.