• Chapter 4 - The reunion

    "Mom! Dad!" She cried finally, unable to keep containing herself, as she ran to the kitchen. The other letters and the newspaper had been forgotten.
    John and Hellen were shocked by this so very sudden change in her behavior. "It's every thing okay, Maggy?" Said Hellen increasingly worried. "Has something happened?"
    "Yes, something happened! Of course, something happened!" And she gave the letter to Hellen while she continued, "This happened!" she said still unable to believe it. How could such a thing happen!? And she didn't know for what she should be more shocked: if for herself, apparently, be a witch, whether for Draco also be one, or for the fact that he didn't had told her the whole truth. Perhaps that was why Mr. Malfoy didn't liked her: because he didn't knew (as she did not know until a few minutes before) that she was a witch.
    Now looking at the past, this new piece of information explained a lot, like the trees's free-will in her first year... Or was she doing that and not the trees!? But there wasn't any logic. She wasn't a witch. Of course, the letter had been delivered to the wrong house and there should be another Margarett Smith somewhere in the world who hadn't received her acceptance letter.
    While she was still lost in her thoughts, Hellen was reading the letter increasingly uncomfortable with John peering over her shoulder with an expression of shock spreading pretty fast all over his face.


    Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
    (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump International Confed. of Wizards)

    Dear Miss Smith,
    We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
    Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.
    Since you were raised far from the magical community, we also sent some useful information like where to find your material and how to get to the transport that will bring you to school. We also send the ticket to ensure your travel: do not lose it because without it you can't cross to the magical world!
    Term begins on September 1st. Please send us your owl until July 31st, without delays.

    Yours sincerely
    Minerva McGonagall
    Deputy headmistress"

    (Mostly of the above text isn't mine)

    "This is a mistake! It's better if go to the post office to deliver this letter. Someone must be waiting for it now..." said Jamilly and finally turned to the couple that from such a young age had raised her. The expression on the face of both of them left her with a lot of doubts in relation to what she would say next, that is, if she should say anything at all. "What? What aren't you telling me!? Did you know about this? Are you also wizards?" She asked with hopes begin to rise: if her parents were also wizards, she wouldn't feel so out of place, so different, so bad.
    "No dear, we are not wizards..." a quick glance in her husband's direction encouraged her to continue. The lie had lasted a long time and sooner or later they would have to tell her the truth and apparently the moment had arrived, but had come too soon. Anyway there was nothing to do now. The die was already cast and, therefore, it was better if she just continued with the move "There's one thing we have to tell you, Maggy. And maybe you better sit down before I continue..."
    This statement made Jamilly feel even more uncomfortable, but she did what Hellen suggested and moved closer to the couple, sitting in one of the chairs that was free "What? What do you need to tell me, mom?"
    Helen felt a pain in her heart when she heared the girl call her mom and nearly lost the courage to tell the truth, but John took the woman's hand and squeezed it affectionately. This gesture helped her more than any words he could have said. "Maggy, the truth is that, John and I, we aren't your real parents. Your biological parents died when you were just a baby and we decided to keep with you and raised you as our own daughter. We were afraid that something bad might happen to you if someone discovered, so we get you a false birth certificate..."
    Jamilly couldn't believe what she was hearing. John and Hellen weren't even her parents and she was an orphan. But only then she understood everything that Hellen had said "How come you were afraid that something might have happen to me!?" Hellen's words startled her and caused her an unpleasant sensation, as if a boulder had just landed deep in your stomach "How was that my parents died? It was some kind of accident?" she asked, but by the couple's face, she immediately realized that it hadn't been any sort of accident.
    "Maggy, your parents were murdered... We were taking a walk down the street and we hear you crying. When we got inside the house, we found the two of them..." said John as if the image still haunt him every day. "We picked you up and walked out of there. The next day the house was no longer there."
    Jamilly couldn't say anything, it was as if her voice had fled away. Moments later she managed to ask in a small voice "So that means that my name isn't Margarett Smith?Everything about my life was a lie?" she was so shocked that she couldn't contain it.
    "No, darling! It wasn't all a lie: all the love we gave you was true. To me you'll always be my little princess..." Hellen said, only after realizing that she hadn't responded to all that the girl had asked. "But no. Your name isn't Margarett Smith and we're not sure that your birthday is on Halloween..." Jamilly kept looking at her questioningly. "We found you on Halloween night when you were about a year old and decided it would be a good date for your birthday, to mark a new beginning... We don't know your real name, only your surname: Potter!" Hellen said, finally taking off all the burden she had carried during those ten years.
    "Potter... I think I've heard that name..." said Jamilly, trying to remember. Suddenly, as if a light had lit up inside her, she got it and said "But that's the name of the family that lived in that house in the village center, the one that is in ruins!" Hellen and John looked at each other "What is it?!"
    "Maggy, there isn't a house there anymore. The fire destroyed everything..." said John that didn't understood what the girl was talking about.
    Jamilly didn't understood what was happening: she passed the house again and again over the years. Of course, maybe you couldn't call it a house, there was just a bunch of ruins. But she remembered something that was haunting even more her spirit "In the village, they say that the Potters had walked away without saying anything during the night, the couple and their TWO kids!" She said shocked. "I have a brother or a sister!? How is that possible?! "
    "You have a brother." Hellen said (now that she had told the truth she felt calmer).
    Jamilly looked at her with a puzzled expression "How do you know it's a boy?" she asked finally.
    Without saying anything Hellen got up, went to the hall and opened the drawer of the support table and took out a frame. As she returned to the kitchen, sighed deeply and handed the frame to Jamilly. "You were holding it when we found you and didn't want to leave it, so I kept it until now."
    Jamilly caught hold of the frame and looked at the photo that it exposed. To her shock, that wasn't a normal picture: it appeared that people were moving around the place! Having overcome this initial surprise, she looked more closely at the picture: a very smiling young couple rested for the photo, each holding a small child. Looking with more attention she realized what Hellen wanted to say: one of the children had red hair and wore a small dress, while the other had black hair and was wearing very tiny jeans... Her brother laughed trying to take hold of her hand. This image brought tears to Jamilly's eyes.
    "When you started to grow you have become very much like your mother..." Hellen said in a voice that was both sad, loving and understanding. She loved Jamilly as a mother loves her daughter and the revelation that she had just done, would hurt her forever. At the same time could understand the feelings of confusion and uncertainty that were going through the girl's head.
    "And what happened to my brother?" she asked with a very dry throat and afraid of what the response might be.
    "We don't know." It was John who answered this time. "When we took you out of the house he was no longer there. We think someone took him before we get there..." he continued.
    The fact that her brother could still be alive, ignited a little flame in Jamilly's heart. If she went to Hogwarts maybe her brother would too and they could start a relationship. She would continue to live with Hellen and John if they let her, but maybe he could come visit her once in a while…
    But, again, something began to trouble her "In the letter, they say I have to send my owl… But how will I send my owl if I don't have one!?"
    And a few seconds later a huge barn owl came through the kitchen window, which was ajar. Jamilly and the Smiths looked at each other "But how the hell did they knew I would need an owl?" Asked the first intrigued.
    It was Hellen that, looking at the letter that she sill held in her hand, replied, "Because you said that you didn't have one..." Jamilly looked at her in disbelief. "It's written here." Hellen said handing her the letter.
    At the end of the page, written in the same perfect caligraphy, was a little message that she, with the shocking revelation that the letter caused her, hadn't seen the first time

    "PS: If you don't own an owl, tell us and we'll provide you with one."

    This was what you should call fast propagation…

    The next day, Jamilly, Hellen and John went to London to buy the school equipment. After the shocking revelation Jamilly read the other sheets that composed the letter: in one of them came the list of materials and books that she would need and in the other were information about where to buy those things and how to go to school; inside the envelope was also a small piece of parchment: the ticket for the train that would take her to school. The last sheet stated that the entrance to Diagon Alley (where apparently she should go to buy the stuff) was in a small bar called the Leaky Cauldron, located on a street in London, which was protected of Muggles eyes by a series of enchantments. And it was those statements that led the Smith's couple and Jamilly to head to London that morning…
    "What do you need for school?" Asked Helen, when they were already on the highway that would take them to their destination.
    "I need three sets of plain (black) work robes, a plain (black) pointed hat for day wear, a pair of protective gloves of dragon hide or similar and a winter cloak, black with silver fastenings, where all pieces must contain name tags. I also need a wand, a cauldron (pewter standart size 2), a set of glass crystal phials and basics potions ingredients, a telescope and a set of brass scales. We also have to buy the books. "Jamilly said, looking over her shopping list "It says that students can also take an owl, a cat or a frog..." she continued, arching an eyebrow.
    "And all this is supposed to be found at this bar!?" said Hellen, that thought the idea too weird.
    "No. The bar is the entrance to the magical side of London." said Jamilly, recalling what she had read in the guidelines. "We have to talk to the owner of the bar, says here that his name's Tom and that he can help us get into Diagon Alley…"

    The trip was made quietly and within hours were on the busy London street, where their destiny lay. Jamilly guided John and Hellen into the small bar that was also an inn (since the couple was Muggle, they couldn't see the bar). As she approached the counter she felt a sharp twinge in her chest "Ouch!" exclaimed her, throwing her hand over her chest that seemed to burn.
    "You're okay?" Hellen asked, worried.
    "I think so. I had a chest pain. It seemed like someone was burning me... " she said, still feeling a little uncomfortable. She breathed deeply, as if to ward off that feeling, and put one of her best smiles on her face, went to the bar, where a bald man was cleaning cups "Good morning! I'm looking for Mr. Tom..." she said, still smiling.
    The man smiled at her "You just find him. How can I help you?" He said with great kindness.
    "I received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts but once my parents are Muggles, they told me that I should look for you to be able to get to the Diagon Alley..." she said while Tom looked over her shoulder and waving to the couple that was behind Jamilly.
    "Then it is your first year in Hogwarts... Congratulations! You surely will like the new school, or at least I hope you do so." He said as he posed the cloth he was using to clean the cups and went out of behind the counter "Follow me. The entrance is over here..." he said while heading to a door in the back of the room and he ran the doorknob. As he openned the door, Jamilly found herself in a small pantry too tight and was preparing to ask what sort of prank was that, when Tom took his wand from the pocket of his apron and looked at Jamilly "It's very important for you to remember well what I'll do. Whenever you want to go to Diagon Alley you will be using your wand and do what I will show you." He said with a grin. When Jamilly nodded, he turned to the wall that was in front of the door and touch whit the wand on the third brick up the dustbin and the second across. "Maybe you should move a little bit away..." he said while also providing a step backwards, while the bricks began to move to form an arch that led to a very busy street "Here it is... Welcome to Diagon Alley! Perhaps it is best if you go first to Gringotts, the bank of wizards. You'll need to change the Muggle money so you can make purchases. It's that white building down the street." he said pointing to a huge white building.
    "Thank you Tom!" Said John reaching his hand out to Tom, that shook it vigorously.
    "You're welcome. So I see you in a few hours." he said as he turned to go back to the bar.
    Jamilly, Hellen and John went through the great arcade and joined the crowd who has already walking through the street.

    After exchanging the money and receiving a few coins (that in the eyes of the three of them were very strange) made of gold (galleons), one silver (sickles) and one bronze (knuts), they went to order the uniform at Madame Malkin's Robes for all Occasions, passed by Ollivender's to buy the wand (Jamilly was dying to have hers and didn't want to wait any longer, having been chosen by a wand with 25cm of eucalyptus wood and core of unicorn's hair-tail, very flexible and perfect for charms), went to the apothecary where they bought the material for Potions and finally she bought a telescope in a shop dedicated to astronomy where large stellar maps (of course that the stars and the planets moved like the real ones) decorated the walls and representations of the Milky Way filled the shelves.
    Finally, there was just the textbooks she needed and they went, already with a lot of packages, to Flourish & Blotts. Jamilly handed the list to the bookseller and he went to pick up her new study guides: "The Standart Book of Spells (Grade 1)" Miranda Goshawk for Charms, "A History of Magic" from Bathilda Bagshot for History of Magic (of course!), "Magical Theory" by Adalbert Waffling also for Charms; "A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" of Emeric Switch for Transfiguration, “One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi" by Phyllida Spore for Potions, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" by Newt Scamander for Care of Magical Creatures, "The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection" by Quentin Trimble to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Do you need anything else?" Asked politely the bookseller.
    Jamilly asked Hellen if she could take a few more books to put together what was happening in the world of magic, since she had never had contact with it. John and Helen smiled "What books do you have about the latest magical events and about the school of magic?" Said Hellen so comfortable that nobody would have noticed that she was a Muggle if not for her clothes.
    The bookseller walked away, returning moments later with a small stack of books. Jamilly started examining them. They were only four (but kind of weight for eight): "Modern Magical History", "The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts", "Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century" and "Hogwarts: A History." All the books seem very interesting, making it very hard to choose.
    "We'll took them all" said John's voice behind her. Jamilly turned and smiled at the couple, thanking, while the bookseller marshaled all her new books.
    As they left the bookstore, Jamilly sighed with relief, "Finally! I have everything I needed..."
    "No, you haven´t." Hellen said smiling while looking at her husband. "You still don't have your magical animal... I'm personally in favor of an owl, they seem the most useful ones. And cats make me allergic!" She said, excluding the frog immediately, that Jamilly knew that she found disgusting.
    And so they went to the Eeylops Owl Emporium, leaving shortly after with a Eagle Owl. The beautiful female owl was gray, golden and white, with such large bright orange round eyes, that immediately won Jamilly's heart.
    Now with all purchases, Jamilly and the couple began to go again up the street back to the passage of the Leaky Cauldron. While passing by a sporting goods store (we're talking about magical sports, so the items on sale were flying broomsticks and sport coats) they saw a very interesting pair: a huge man with stubble and a very skinny boy, with black hair and a big round glasses. But what most drew Jamilly´s attention in the boy's looks weren't the cracked glasses nor the clothes that were too big to him: what caught Jamilly's interest was the lightning-shaped scar that the boy had on his forehead and that was so similar to hers. When they come closer, Jamilly and the boy hold each other's gaze and both of them were filled with a sensation that was unknown to them and was to difficult to explain, as if for the first time in their life they were complete and a large chunk they didn't even known that was missing in theirs life's had finally reconnected with the others.
    "Maggy, come on! What are you doing standing in the middle of street!?" Asked Hellen.
    Jamilly looked away from the boy realizing that, without even notice it, she had stopped wich made the traffic even more intense. "I'm going!" she said, starting to run but not before giving one last glance toward the strange pair.
    "You know, that girl looks like someone I know but can't remember who..." she heard the giant saying to the boy, but she didn't stop to listen: Hellen and John had taught her that it is very bad manners to listening to other people conversations.

    Near the end of the afternoon Jamilly and the Smiths were back to Godric's Hollow. Jamilly put her purchases on the bed and her new mascot on her desk, whom she fed, and then left, running down the stairs. "I'm going out! I'll be back before dinner!" She shouted behind her as she closed the door.
    The young girl ran down the street that lead to Draco's house. She had to tell him everything that happened and couldn't wait any longer. Along the way she tried to imagine what the reaction of her boyfriend would have. Would he be as amazed as she had been? Would he be upset? Would he be ashamed for not having told her the all truth about himself? She hoped that the latter hypothesis was the right one. He was going to have to listen... If he wouldn't trust her, how could she trust him?
    When she arrived at Malfoy's house, she noticed that all the lights were off and the chimney wasn't smoking as it usually happened. She quickly realized that nobody was home. Well, she would have to return the next day…
    It was still relatively early, so Jamilly decided to go to the park. She loved to go there whenever she needed to think and she wasn't lacking of themes to think about. In the last 24 hours her life had take a 180 degrees turn and seemed like it hadn't stopped spinning yet. On the way, passed by the ruins of the Potter family home, her family and there they were, contrary to what John had said. For the first time Jamilly moved closer and saw that there was a wooden plaque with inscriptions attached to the gate. The girl began to read it and understood the surprise that John had exhibited when she spoke about the ruins

    "Here, on the night of October 31st in 1981
    Lilly and James Potter lost their lives.
    Their son, Harry, is the only wizard
    that survived the Killing Curse.
    This house, invisible to Muggles, has been maintained
    in ruins as a monument to the Potters
    and a reminder of the violence
    that destroyed this family."
    (The above text, that is between "", isn't mine)

    When she finished reading, the tears ran down her face. It was the first time she saw the name of her parents and had just discovered that her brother was alive, or at least, had survived the attack which killed their parents. Incapable of keep looking to all of that destruction and neglect, she began running along the street until you reach the park, that to her great happiness, was empty. Walking more calmly, she went to the swings where she sat, letting her feet touch only lightly on the ground.
    Jamilly looked at the sky where the sun now had began to disappear leaving the post vacant for the moon and the stars. Suddenly her eyes spotted something stuck in the rafters of the swing: a piece of paper that flicked in the breeze that was blowing lightly. The girl got off the swing and took the paper, immediately recognizing the handwriting: it was Draco's. Jamilly opened the note and was invaded by a new wave of sadness that was beginning to have a constant presence in her life:

    "Hi Maggy!
    I knew you were gonna find my ticket... =)
    I passed by your house late in the morning but nobody was home and I didn't know how to warn you: my parents decided to go spend the last days of vacation with some friends.
    I'm missing you already and I hope Christmas will come really soon…
    With love from yours and only yours

    Draco Malfoy”

    And one more time in that day, her eyes were flooded with tears.