• I woke from my nap to see my pet dragon, Ryu, by my bedside with big eyes. I laugh and get up to take a shower and he follows me, purring. Just as I finish, Ryu yanks the shower curtain off and looks at me. I look at him sternly then rub his head.
    “Oh, I can’t stay mad at you forever…” I say, rubbing his head and grabbing a towel.
    I go into my room to get some clothes on when I hear a knock at my door. I put on my clothes and answer the door, only to find the girl that I love, Sakura standing there with curiosity in her eyes.
    “Good evening, Kenta.” She says with a half smile.
    I stammer to find the right words, “Uh, uh… Good evening, Sakura.”
    “I want to know what you’re hiding,” She says trying to look past my body.
    “I’m not hiding anything,” I say blocking her view.
    She tries to push me aside, but I quickly close the door. I run over to Ryu and hop onto his back.
    “Okay, buddy,” I begin, “It’s time to go fly.”
    Ryu’s face glows with happiness and he readies his wings. He suddenly looks at the front door and growls. He looks at me with a shady look. I shake my head.
    “No, no, no,” I begin, “I know what you’re thinking, don’t do it.”
    He ignores me, and bursts out the door, grabbing Sakura in the process. I look down at Sakura, who is screaming, and shake my head. Ryu goes to land on a sturdy tree and Sakura climbs on a branch. I stick my hand out to help her up, but she slaps it out of her way. Ryu’s eyes turn to slivers and he growls at her.
    “He’s protecting me,” I say putting my hand out once more.
    She looks at my hand and then at Ryu, whose teeth are exposed as he growls at her. She finally grabs my hand and I help pull her onto Ryu’s back.
    “Okay, Ryu…” I begin, “Easy boy. Let’s take it nice and easy.”
    Ryu ignores me, once again, and dive towards the water. He stops as he turns towards some rocks. Sakura starts to scream and she squeezes my waist.
    “I said easy!!!” I yell, over Sakura’s sceams.
    Ryu ignores me and begins spinning, only making Sakura scream louder. He stops spinning and dives once again.
    “We’re supposed to get her to like me,” I yell.
    Sakura holds onto my waist as Ryu stops again and flies towards some more rocks and mountains. He then ascends up the mountains at high speed.
    “Thanks for everything, you useless dragon,” I murmur.
    “Okay, okay!” Sakura screams, “I’m sorry! I’ll keep him a secret!!!”
    Ryu’s ears perk up and he slows down. He begins to descend slowly into the mountains and he flies nice and slow. Sakura lets go of my waist and sets her hands on my shoulders. I look at her and half smile as she lets go of my shoulders and flings her hands into the air. She begins laughing and she sets her hands back on my shoulders. Ryu looks at me and smiles.
    “Thanks, buddy…” I whisper in his ear.
    He purrs and he goes around a corner in the mountains to the village. Sakura smiles and she wraps her arms around my waist and sets her head on my shoulder and relaxes. I look at her and I smile fully.
    “Wow…” She begins, “It’s beautiful…”
    “Just like you…” I say softly.
    She smiles and kisses me. I look at Ryu and rub his head. He lands and Sakura gets off. She looks at Ryu and rubs his head.
    “You know,” Sakura begins, “I think I’m actually starting to like you.”
    “Well, I’ve always loved you…” I say happily.
    As soon as I finish that sentence, Ryu takes off. Just before Sakura becomes out of sight, I can see her smile widely and wave. I smile and wave back. Ryu purrs and looks at me as we land at my house. We walk inside and I jump onto my bed. I rub Ryu’s wings as he brushes past me to lay down next to me.
    “Thanks, I owe you a ton,” I say laughing,
    Ryu growls as if he’s laughing also. He closes his eyes and begins to purr again.
    “Don’t worry buddy,” I begin, “We’ll go pick her up tomorrow…” I say falling asleep.