• "Aiden! Stop it!" Narsha yelled, panic surged through her as she ran desperately towards her brother. Aiden hesitated and released his grip on the other teenager's collar. Aiden growled stressed . "Stop, it was not his fault. You completely misunderstood! We were just planning a surprise for you! He didn't do anything, I swear. Just don't fight anymore," Narsha began to sob cry . Aiden's expression softened as he reached out to brush away her tears but withdrew his hand. "Yah, dude. Was that necessary? I tried to explain to you but you listened to her and not me," Dante spat. "You want another beating??" Aiden fired back. "Stop! Dante, I'll see you tomorrow. Aiden, let's go. You've done enough," Narsha grabbed his arm. "You better not come around again," Aiden warned. Narsha and Aiden walked silently back to the house. "I- I was sorry about what happened back there," Aiden mumbled, feeling more ashamed by the second. "Pssh, it was my fault for not talking to you sooner," Narsha rolled her eyes. "So.. we're okay now..?" "Of course! Why, you thought I was mad at you or something?" Narsha laughed. "Umm.." Aiden looked at his feet. Narsha stopped and waited for him to speak. "I just wanted to tell you-" Aiden's eyes widened. "NARSHA! LOOK OUT!" Narsha turned just in time to see the truck speeding rapidly towards her but was too slow to respond. Aiden reached his hand out.. but all his hand met was air. The truck has caught Narsha...