• Introduction
    When I was about five years old,my parents let me out of my house.I don't know what I was expecting,but it still shocked me when I went out of our door.That was the day I said my first words."What am I?" I asked my mother that.She glared at me with her blue eyes of flame.Other than that,she ignored me.My father said,"You are unique,Dazenth." That's when I decided to say inside for the rest of my life.

    Chapter 1
    Let's just say,that predicament didn't work out too well with my father.My mother was pleased that I didn't like people thinking I was a freak just because I'm scaley and fleshy.Well,my parents argued,my dad won,and I was forced to go to school.Everyone at school ignored me, and whenever I passed through someone,I would be parched till I got to class.Sure,I had friends,but my best friends were an Ice Wraith named Slike,and a Hellhound named Kyrin.
    We were the three most left-out people in the whole school.So,we became freinds because no one else wanted to be friends with us.
    A day after our moreophs year began,I was hit wih a clue as to why I was born a dragon.Literally,I was wandering around in my mothers large expance of a library, when a large book came tumbling down and landed on my tail.The last bone in my tail broke,and I cried out in pain.I flipped myself over, glared at the book,and it went flying across the library.I flew after it,crying tears of fire a I went along.The floor was made of granite,so,yeah.Anyway, when I got to it,the title read "The Connections of all Beasts".I opened to the first page,and it read: "All of the animals on this planet are related to dragons in some way or another.Wraiths are made of a dragons breath,weather it be a Storm Wraith,an Ice Wraith,Fire Wraith,ect. A hellhound is specifiacally decended from underworld dragons.A cat-person is decend from all the high theives of the smaller dragons." That was as far as I got before my father came in with some rubies.He said,(very stupidly)"Want some rubies? I dug them up just now." The book is what started a mess of a journy.