• When i was little my mom told me to close my eyes and keep hiding so i did that but the sad things is she never told me to come out till i got out by my self. Now i am in high school and i still feel pain from that day i drink beer i dont do drugs my mom and dad would be very mad at me. But i thing i just seem to remember is that my mother told " Never wake up ace for your good". i never got that out of my head and then when i watch a moive i broke down in front of my friends cause i just remember my whole life been a dream a nightmare and i can wake up a do it over. But when i wake up it snowing and it cold and i want to wake up and get out of this nightmare but i cant cause my mom said never wake up Ace and my name will forever Ace of heart the cold Ace of hearts. But the thing that i dont get is why do i dream of things so bad and scarey why i want to wake up i want to wake NOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!