• By the mountains nearby a loud rumbling was heard, emitting throughout Alandis. Milissandi turned her head to Knocturn.
    "The mountain has been rumbling for weeks, what do you suppose it is, and what does it mean".

    Knocturn sighed, "Some say the mountain creeks with old age, others think it is a bad omen".

    "Well I do not believe in superstition, there must be an explanation", "But I've consulted my books and nothing has turned up". I furrowed my eyebrows as I went into deep concentration considering theories.
    Knocturn remained unusually silent, as he gazed out into the approaching sunset. "Well you best get home before your Lord father finds out you're late and becomes cross".

    I waved to Knocturn as we parted ways. I enjoyed my solitude as it gave me time to reflect on a great many things. While thinking, I stumbled in my thoughts about an old sage known for his wisdom and prophecies. The only problem was that he lived in a secluded shack in the forest. He did not keep company, he was neither dwarf nor elf. Some say he was a great sorcerer, others merely said he was one of the first men. I decided I would approach him, and perhaps he would tell me the answer to the mountains mystery. As I approached my talan, father came up from the garden.

    "Good evening Ada, I hope I did not keep you waiting for dinner".

    "Not at all, I was just speaking with Lilaneth".

    "Lilaneth Ada?", I scoffed. For Lilaneth was known for being a strange, eccentric woman, and she was the city herbalist.

    "She has told me she is in need of an apprentice, I thought you would enjoy that?'.

    "But an herbalist father?", "Even you would not approve of such a profession for a lady".

    "Yes well you do not want to be a lady, as you have argued to me all these years", Ada massaged his temples in frustration. Truly I was please that Ada was trying, but I wanted to become a swordsman or an archer and become a march-warden. March-wardens protected the city, and did daily rounds at night. If needed, they helped fight wars. But I knew I would not win today, so I bided my time. "I will think it over Ada, after all, it might be useful". Ada relaxed and motioned for me to come inside with him, "I knew you would be pleased". I halfheartedly smiled, trying to hide my disappointment.

    The next morning I got up bright and early. As I left my room I greeted our maid Seraphin with a cheery hello. Usually I would not hesitate to show how upset I was to be awake not in bed. She just looked at me and kept on cleaning, grumbling under her breath. She was probably just upset hat I was already awake and her clean floors were in danger of becoming dirty or scuffed. Since Ada was in the high city council, he usually left before I was awake; thus leaving to my own devices. I put on my trousers, boots, and cape, while I tried to comb my rats nest called "hair".

    On my way to the forest I went through the dwarfs' village, and seeked out Knocturns friend, Jonathan, who was a smithy. Jonathan was incidentally a hobbit, born and bred in the shire. He had a great deal of knowledge on almost anything.

    "Down a path through the misty meadows, make a left by the crooked pine tree, then another left a minute down you'll see his shack".

    "Many thanks!" I exclaimed as I got on my horse Aquarious and headed down a glen to the misty meadows. The shack looked almost abandoned, save the smoke coming out of the chimney. I tied Aquarious to a post and knocked on the door.

    "Come in, I've been expecting you", said a voice from inside, I cautiously opened the door and peered in. An old man sat in a chair by the fire. He had a long grey beard, kind brown eyes, and a quirky look about him. "Sit down, sit down", his low raspy voice beckoned. "Now tell me", he said. "Why are you here?".

    "Well sir, how did you know I was coming?".

    "Why", he replied. "A little birdie told me". I let it go, I was too curious about the mountain to bother with trifles.

    " The mountain, sir. It rumbles", "Is it a bad omen?", I asked.

    "Ahh the mountain, now that is a puzzle", he said looking concerned. "That mountain is old with great history, it is called the Mereneas". "it is often said to be the place where the great Elven King, Thranduil, fought dragons and serpents of the north".

    I was stunned, Thranduil was a legend that every elfling, dwarfling, and hobbit knew well, to think he wrestled with serpents on that mountain. The sage continued, "It is also said that there are ancient dwarf runed written in a cave, located in the heart of the mountain". My eyes glowed with the grandeur of it all.

    "I would love to see that", I exclaimed. "But my dear, there is a catch, if you do survive the arduous journey, filled with orcs, and other things", "For there is speculation that a monster is in the heart of the mountain". I suddenly felt all my hopes dashed. "But surely someone has defeated the monster?".

    "Then the mountain would not rumble, my dear", "I fear someone has awoken the monster". I shuddered, impending doom scared me, for I knew how much chaos a monster could create". When I was two my family was traveling from Gondor, City of Men, to Alandis. A draki, half-dragon half-viper attacked us. My father killed it but as it lay dying it spit its venom upon my mother, melting her skin, and killing her. I drew myself out of my reverie, "I apologize for my rudeness, I did not even inquire on your name".

    "Radagast" he replied. I was shocked,

    "Radagast The Brown, the wizard?".