• Okay let start with this I had found out my little sister had the Stummy flu.
    Yeah we all know how that is.
    Well the next morning had a feeling I should have stayed home but I went to school anyways.
    My boyfriend said tried to get me to eat some breakfast that morning but i kept saying no soo then the bell rang..........
    And my first period is P.E.We ran, did sit ups,push ups,and than free time or some crap like that .
    P.E. was over so i went to what we call "Rocking R"(I still don't get it)But i just lied my head down for that hole 15 minuets.After that I went to 2nd period*World Geography *the hole time i felt weird and if i moved something bad would happen ,well towards the end of class I know what was happening,the room got spiny,voices were fading out and than it just came out all over my Evanescence shirt my good shoes in my hair and than the teacher put the bucket in my face and lets just day i saw my dinner (soup) that day.
    I had to walk out of class and go to the bathroom and as i was walking the bell rang people were coming out of rooms and into the halls gonk

    it was bad but i had the clothes from P.E. so I had something to change into thank god my mom came before someone smelled me.