• No madder went I do....
    No madder were I go...
    Its always the some....
    No madder went I say….
    People always act like I not even saying their legends…
    No madder went I try…
    People always trends me the some, like I’ am not even from this world….
    No madder madder madderrrr….
    I do this, I do that….
    But it always comes out the someee…
    Like the world had come plenty stopped in place….
    But some how every thing is still moving….
    But meeeee….
    But form day on to day on….
    Its always the some…
    No madder went I do…
    No madder went I try…
    Its always the some….
    Like if the wind wanted to go be with the water….
    Could not all because it was to diffeant from it….
    That’s how I feel every day, even thow I look just like them…
    We are more a part then you think we are….
    All a lone…
    All a loneeeee…