• You want to hear my most embarrassing moment? The moment where I was so embarrassed I literally wanted to drop dead on the spot? Very well. I challenge anyone to recall an experience that will bring such redness to their cheeks and humiliation to their heart. An experience, that even over ten years later, cannot stop me from wanting to pick up a brick and smash myself into blissful unconsciousness.

    I worked at a five-and-dime in Hartford, Connecticut. My co-worker, Daryl, was a lovely lady of Caribbean descent. Of all the employees there, I liked and respected her the most. She would sometimes talk about the two men in her life, her husband "King" and her boyfriend "Rocco". A naiive twenty-something, I loved her stories.

    One day, a young man came into the store. He walked up to the register. Daryl went to meet him, all smiles. I immediately blurted out, "You must be Rocco! I've heard so much about you!" King didn't say a word, just looked at Daryl. Daryl didn't say a word, just looked at King. Too late, I realized I had put my foot in my mouth.