• They call me Aglaia Calliope Deimos; and though I may sound Greek in origin I am far from it. I hold no nationality, and this name is merely one of many I have acquired over the millenia. However, if you like you may call me Khaya; I have always preffered it to the others. It is such a shame this name has been forgotten.

    A human looking upon me would call me a demon, but what you humans fail to comprehend is that I am beyond all conventional terms. To call me demon humours them, they are so easily flattered, and insults me. No, instead I have found that the closest explanation of my being is this: as elementals are governers of the elements, I govern Red and all that it adheres to- the colour itself, the emotions, the symbolism. I am every shade, each drop of lust, every single spark. I am fire, anger, destruction, war, passion, heat, love, blood, and more. I am Red. But your species is far too young to truly appreciate it.