• Okay, it was a normal Tuesday morning. I was the person who taked the morning slip down to the office for the lady at the front desk. I took the slip down to the office and I walked down the hall toward my homeroom. I had to pass this one classroom and it was D-3. I`v been in that room befour and nothing strange has ever happened in there. So, I was walking back and I walked up to room D-3 and there is a little glass window in the door to see in. So as I was walking by I happened to look in that little window and I saw something. It was very uncommon to be in that room sence this mean and rude teacher teaches in that room. It allways feels like everything is dead and all the life has been sucked out of it. I peered in and saw that the lights where off so i covered my hands around my eyes just enough to see in. I peered in and I saw this black figure sitting in the teachers chair. It didnt move or any thing. It just sat in the chair and look at the white bored. As soon as I saw it, I moved quickly so no one would see me. As I walked back to homeroom my heart was beating super fast! Im never going in that room ever agian! I still wounder if any other creatures creep around my school. If so, I really want to see it.