Opened my eyes to see everyone filing out of the room. I stretched and grabbed my stuff, heading for the door with everyone else. When I got out into I the hallway I suddenly found Ellie standing in front of me.
"What happened to you. I tried to chase you down but you're fast. I lost you when you rounded the corner. All I found was Ryan standing there looking like a lonely screw up." she said, following me down the hallway.
"I just started feeling really sick. I went to the bathroom and then went to class." I replied.
"You scared me and Damien." she said dodging a bulky dude.
"Damien?" I breathed, then regained myself, "What does he care?"
"He cares a lot more than you give him credit for. I think you need to lighten up."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm his whole world and everything." I muttered.
"Quit saying it like that!" she said angrily. I stayed quiet as I stared at my friend.
"He loves you. And, so help me, if you can't see that I will pry your eyes open to make sure you do!" she finished in a huff. I stayed quiet and just gave a little smile.
"I can see that he loves me, I just need to find a way-" I started.
"Hey Ellie, again." Damien grinned. My stomach churned as tears allowed themselves to rise. I looked to the ground, obviously not wanted in the conversation this time either.
"Me and Celia were just talking about you." Ellie chirped. I shot my head up and stared at her with my mouth open.
"Ellie!" I hissed. She simply gave me a sideways glance, ignoring my angry hiss.
"Really? Was it good or bad?" he asked, still smiling. I looked at him. There is no way he can just pretend nothing happened. He looked me in my eyes and his smile kinda faded and suddenly I could see the falseness of it. Then my breath caught in my throat. There it was. As soon as he looked at me I saw pain and misery. The feelings were over whelming, like they were going to eat me from the inside out. But the one thing I saw that kept me from shriveling up in agony right then and there was, hope. There was hope in his eyes. He still thought we could be together. As if that was the cure, my nausea lifted. Suddenly, there was an Ellie hand in my face.
"Heeeeeeellllllllllooooooooooooo?" she called, "Earth to love birds, are you listening?"
"Uh, yeah." I replied, completely mortified that I was staring at him with such an intensity. I could feel he was still looking at me.
"Anyway, what we said was nothing bad." she said turning to Damien, who was now looking at her.
"Then what did you say?" he asked.
"That both of ya'll need to get the ******** over it and apologize." she said calmly. My mouth dropped as I stared at her.
"I agree. But she has to apologize first." Damien said turning to me. I stared in shock. This was too much for my brain to keep up with. I just stood there, unsure of what to say.
"Hey! You kids need get to class!" someone yelled. We all whirled around to see a teacher and no one else. All the other kids were gone. Ellie quickly departed and me and Damien hurried to Biology.
Lunch quickly came around. As soon I got my lunch I headed over to mine and Ellie's table. I stopped when I saw Damien already sitting down. I slowly made my way over and sat on the other side of Ellie.
"So? Wussup?" I asked casually, stuffing my face with a french fry.
"Oh. My. God. Guess what happened in Home Ec. Stella lit the stove on fire. But Ms. Mires put it out before anyone could set off the alarm." she blurted, not allowing me to answer. I smiled.
"Yeah, and I think she could get fired for not setting it off." Damien interjected. I frowned. Ms. Mires is a nice old lady.
"That would suck." I said, eating another fry.
"Oh! And guess what else! Aaron got moved to my class! Isn't that amazing?" she drew out the last word, then did a little swoon. I laughed at her. I was so glad everything was back to normal. Kinda. Like I could just fake a smile and get on with my life. Right, like that's how this story goes.
Oblivious to Love
Part 7. Good or Bad???
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