• Kuma, Draven, Kiki, Sterula, Himiko, Shade, and Senbu went to Russia to find Kuma's distant cousin Nicklin Ralen. It has being three months of separation between Kuma and Nicklin . Their family had a huge argument of power over China descend across from the land.
    Kuma and Nicklin were separated when they only just turned 13 years old because of a huge mass of war was going on in 1945 b.c. Nicklin had short blue hair with black with silver streaks on tips of his hair. He had long male china robe is green with silver dragon pattern on it with plain silk pant that is grey. he had straw sandal on his feet with white tab sock. he wears a monk beaded necklace that was given from the monk in the shrine temple of China.
    His mother is Chisaki Chin. She have blue hair is long in bun ponytail with silver tips on her bangs. She wears a long female china robe is red with pink flowers falling off the branches. her silk pants that is teal blue color. she wears flat shoes that red matches with her outfit.
    Nicklin's father is Ryukoin Zalin . He has brown hair that is tied in Chinese braid ponytail with black tips of dragon design on his scrunch. He wears a silk robe is yellow with red dragon patterns on it. He wears silk pants that is black with blue koi fish going around it. he wears yellows pointed flats shoes. Draven said '' Kuma are we sure we suppose to go see your distant cousin Nicklin for help? Kuma said'' of course Draven. We need all the help we can get in order beat Soren Raperise.'' He the one who killed my real parents since i was little about 7 years old back then in shogun time. Kiki and others nodded and finally made to Nicklin's home. Nicklin and his parents welcomed them for coming to visit them from a long journey to get from here. Nicklin said'' It being while cousin Kuma. i see you have gotten little taller than me. Kuma nodded and said'' It good to see you cousin Nicklin.
    Nicklin's mother welcome Kuma and his friends to spent the night with them.
    Nicklin Father Ryukoin nodded said'' Kuma where you being the whole time? we missed you . Kuma said'' i was busy at Harumi school learning some of skills of my education. Ryukoin and Chisaki nodded said'' That is good you are learn some education from there.