Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- The Misery Beyond my Limits by -world gazer-
- my misery went into this poem............i dont care what you do to it.........................and i guess you'll notice it doesnt rhyme...........deal with it
- silent night by innocent_cookie_crime
- a small cute little poem i wrote
- Blighted Love by xI run with scissorsx
- this is about death...idk...comment
- Ode to the Fallen by RainyDaySighs
- Just something I came up with in my free time. I was thinking about my dad who was in the ARMY at the time when I wrote this so it's kinda about what every ARMY Brat fears will happen to their family and what they see happenin...
- Heartache Reminder by Witchling_Aly
- I wrote this on my profile page and thought... "Why not?" so here it is. There has been a slight change or two from the copy on my profile but oh well.
- love by torianna9724
- what love is
- What is it with this day? by Ninja Meiku
- I wrote this my first day of college.
- hot pokets rap by musiq legend
- this is another rap i wrote in 8th grade don worry way cleaner than ninja rap and please pepole do not get offended just cause i said retard dont be so sensitive i needed a word that rhyme and iam calling myself one so sit back...
- Wrong by Demon_kiba_Angel
- life decisions determine your future but they do not shape your destiny. destiny is the path you walk ad walk for the rest of ur life until your breath stops. wrond decisions are just faulty steps take on your path to forever.
- revolutionary dance by Demon_kiba_Angel
- for all of you girls out there that feel used and played with take a cold shower and sing this song i promise itl make you feel a whole lot better and keep you smiling. i did
- let me be alone by XxblackglassxX
- just what you expect of people.....
- Hidden Meanings by Sir Biscut
- I'm kinda of a pessimistic poet... you will notice when ever I submit things
- Can't See Their Eyes by rimeah-chan
- This is a poem I was thinking about when I was at church up on the alter. (I'm an alter server >>;;) I was thinking about the readings and it was all about giving up everything for God. Then I looked at the congregation, and ca...
- Lies by 4Leaf_Alice
- About lying to someone to make you believe it yourself.
- Routine of Freedom by Icklejabob
- Written in iambic pentameter