• What I Know
    This is what I know
    I know I am from faith
    I know I should be dead
    I know who brought me back
    I know who is ahead

    This I what I know
    I know I am a girl of faith in what is rarely ever seen
    I know I have a savior who will always be there for me
    I know I will always have everything I will ever need
    I know I will be safe from everything that could ever harm me

    This is what I know
    I know I have a living God, a god who never changes
    I know I live a life of hope, a hope that shall never fade
    I know I have a choice to make, a choice on how to live
    I know I live in an imperfect world, but a world that is forever changing

    This I what I know is TRUE
    Truth is always hidden, but always in plain sight
    Truth is always true, no matter how bad it hurts
    Truth is rarely ever painless, even if it’s out of love