• How ii wasted twenty valuable dollaroos...

    Well it all starts when my friend's and ii all meet at the park.
    We tagged the playground and just messed around.
    Some parent looks at us like we're little 9 year olds playing.
    Then my friend Axel finally says wtf are you staring at.
    Hehe she walked away.XD

    Then 1 hour l8er still at the park and my other Amanda friends blabs out "ii needa Get a car or atleast save up for one."
    So some how she persuades all six of us to give up twenty bucks...
    ii walked home and realized WOW ii wasted twenty flippin' dollars holy crap!

    Thirty minutes l8er ii call her up and she told me "Yea srry i couldn't resist going to the mall especially with one-hundred twenty Jacksons in my hand!"

    If ii had $20 they're would be more than billion thingys i could do wit it! rolleyes