• Asexual boy.

    If you were strait,
    I would be able to accept the fact I'm not a women,
    If you were stuck up,
    I would be able to accept the fact I'll never meet your standards.
    If you were a whore,
    I would be able to accept the fact you are not worth my time.

    But what am I suposed to do,
    when I fall an asexual boy,
    How am I suposed to feel about you?
    I find it cute that you are so coy.

    Your cute and cuddly,
    warm and snuggly,
    Your smart but naive,
    It makes me wonder if you are trying to deceive.

    Really sweetheart I don't know what to do with you,
    You're the rock the derailed my train of thought.
    the threads of reality you seem to undo,
    its odd how you left common logic to rot.

    By: Matthew Draft