• Sense Of Time

    Pale blue
    The color of you breath on a cold day
    Feels like you lungs are freezen
    Sounds like ice braking
    Smell of the fresh biting cold
    Taste's like a small drop of holidays
    When it ends, I know life will start again.

    Orange and red
    The color of a new flame
    Feels like sleep is near
    Sounds of Holloween
    Smells of racked leaves
    Tastes of sticky candy
    I wish it could stay all year.

    Five senses Poem

    Light pink
    A train stop
    Tight knot in chest
    Rose's and perfume
    tastes of choclate


    Love, hate, and pain is all ways there,
    Even when you try to fair
    Sing of joy or of pain
    When it come ever spring
    Emotion is always there to share.

    Spring brings the knight of might
    He walks the path of holy light
    He swings the sword of peace
    Oh his farm he has a feast
    Ten years after he lost his sight


    Ocean, wind blowing,
    Waves keep beating the shore line
    Sand cools waves recead.

    Winter rain and wind
    Brings about the end of spring
    Even away at sea


    Angry marching feet
    To the sound of a drumbeat
    Hear horns of retreat.

    Evil mean, kind and fierce
    Trample on a battle field
    There to conqure earth


    Eyes ever green with blue specks
    Hair as long as a madiens
    Skin paler thn death
    Face of and angels white wings
    Beauty is what this man holds