• Are you depressed, alone, forgotten?
    Because I sure am
    I am always feeling alone
    Why is it always me?
    I ask myself again and again over time
    Why am I wrapped in the wings of darkness?
    Shielding me from the light and happiness
    Witch I don’t feel.

    The ghastly air blows past me as I’m falling,
    The dark dead tunnel consumes me
    I feel the blazing heat from the yellow fire,
    I am all alone with no one with me.

    Drowning in water that just pulls me down,
    I try to swim, but I can’t,
    Now stuck in a muddy pit of despair
    Too steep to get out,
    No way out of the pit-alone.
    With the shadows of people who despise me.

    I regret the day I took the Devil’s hand in mine,
    I was pulled down to the pit by my dad
    Can’t trust anyone now
    I do not even trust myself.
    Everyone’s my enemy,
    I am in this deep dark pit
    This hell the devil took me to
    It scares me
    I’m safe, but alone
    I go to a world in my head.

    I have been hurt
    Now I’m shy
    I no longer can stand up to or for other people
    Inside my mind, I stayed clamped up like a clam in its shell
    Outside my mind, I seem like a mindless zombie
    Doing whatever I’m told to do
    No questions asked.

    There in the shadows
    I saw someone
    She put out a hand to help me out of the pit
    I took it and was pulled out of depression
    She understood me, believed in me, gave me hope, and happiness,
    Helped me make friends.

    I have started to trust people again
    But not my family
    They have proved to be untrustworthy,
    I made some friends
    For now, I’m not alone
    I have others supporting me.

    I fell down again
    This time I saw someone else
    I was in love
    I closed up like a clam hiding in its shell again
    I couldn’t talk; it was as if my tongue was cut off
    I wanted to be with him too much.
    He acted as if I wasn’t there.

    When I fall again I do not know, it just happens
    Over and over again
    Life is like a living hell
    It seems like that almost everyday more and more everywhere,
    There are more bad things happening
    Wars break out
    Diseases spread
    There will be a time
    A time of darkness and depression,
    When will everyone fall to where I have been?
    Into that dark lonely, pit of Deep Depression

    I must be careful of whose hand I take,
    Some can ruin my life again
    I must choose to walk my own path
    And make my own choices and friends,
    I shouldn’t let someone chose for me
    It’s hard to clime out of the pit,
    But not impossible
    I do not have to be ALONE and so DEPRESSED.