• To sit with you in silence
    With no doubts on our minds
    Is something we've accomplished,
    Over a period of time.

    To share with you my wishes
    And confess to you my fears
    Is something that is envied
    Among our shared and jealous peers.

    To be with you in spirit
    When you're not possible to see
    Is something that I'll treasure
    And here's what I do believe:

    That you are here forever
    It's not some naive dream,
    I'll travel with you the world
    If it means true love can be

    I want to commit to you
    Our lives forever shared
    I promise I'll still be here
    When good looks and youth aren't there.

    Cause baby I will love you
    No matter where we are
    A life with you, a family
    Is all I'll ever ask.

    I'll risk my life for you
    Yet could not leave you here
    When we die it'll be together
    So the others not left in fear.

    So on this day before our loved ones
    I give to you this ring
    I declare to you my happiness
    Of love, this precious thing.

    We entered this life as one soul,
    And we followed separate paths.
    There were obstacles that slowed us down,
    With promises of happiness.

    But until my path crossed yours,
    Happiness remained out of reach.
    Then suddenly I was alive again,
    And my obstacles seemed less imposing.

    Now I no longer walk alone,
    For your path is now my path,
    And my heart is now your heart.

    We will face the future together,
    Loving and respecting one another.
    I pledge my love to you, from this day
    Until death takes me from you.

    But not even that will keep us apart long,
    Because heaven, for all its divine glory
    Is not heaven if you're not there with me.

    We entered this life as one soul,
    And we followed separate paths.
    Now our paths have become one,
    And eternity waits at the other end.