• heart crying Today I m feeling so low as you are not with me, I miss u every moment wherever I may be. My mind sets no where and just thinks about you, I wanna talk a lot with you but our talks are due. My lips are trembling and calling your name, I cannot see you in front of me and I m going through this pain. My tears are in trauma should they flow out or lay inside, they want to roll down my cheeks but could not decide. My one hand holds the other as it cannot hold yours, It wanders for only your warm touch , I m sure. My heart beats gets faster wishing you might be here, giving me the feel of joy, love and care. How much I love you is all i know, i just feel it and I dont want to show. I miss you with every beat of my heart, no doubt you are the only one of whom i can think about..... To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world love is not about finding the right person , but creating a right relationship It's not about how mutch u have love but its how mutch love u give.My love, I have tried with all my beingto grasp a form comparable to thine own,but nothing seems worthy;I know now why Shakespeare could notcompare his love to a summer’s day.It would be a crime to denounce the beautyof such a creature as thee,to simply cast away the precisionGod had placed in forging you.Each facet of your beingwhether it physical or spiritualis an ensnarementfrom which there is no release.But I do not wish release.I wish to stay entrapped forever.With you for all eternity.Our hearts, always as one. but If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you.
    thank u guys for reading this i and i enjoyed ur time crying heart /domo