• i lost it all, love happines, and freindship, i knew once the taste of triumphent glory, but in the end i stood alone watching this throne, all alone, no one to call my own.
    I watched, just waiting for someone to hear, to see this thing that i once held dear, i know now all that ive known is lost, but again im alone and again have been crossed, i stay alone for one more day to see what was once so dear, i know now that for the sake of others, i lost that that made me so queer, so i sit alone on this throne just waiting for the day, that once again i can see that face, but now i sit here and pray, live for love, luagh and cry, sleep and be awakend, but never stay away from what you hold dear to you never again today. wow that wasnt emo at all -_- so yeah (whats with all the sadness) stfu im trying to be overly dramatic, (hahaha queer) WTF i need some freinds -_-