• The vivid nightmares come alive once more
    this living hell i so abhor

    my mind is naught but a fractured wreck

    my soul still fights for some unknown cause
    this morbid malestrom knows no pause

    hope on the horizon, just a tiny speck

    my breathing heaves as i look around
    these twisted shades are all i have found

    sometimes i dream, and all the torment is gone

    the struggle in my mind is futile you see
    these negative facets are all befitting of me

    it seems now for a time the light has always shone

    i smile as i revel in my minds intricate trap
    why am i amused, my emotions must have snapped

    then im ripped alway from this utopian heaven in my dream

    i see the future, one that was once mine, and the one that will be
    hope is the delusion of an imbecile, only their ignorance is truly free

    my soul is fast fading, it has strength not even to scream

    "human" is a mocking insult
    inside this meaingless flesh, a thousand souls revolt

    will this curse be broken? i wonder aloud
    at least i had something once (if only a dream) of this i am proud

    proud then, of what i have become?
    it seems then my madness has only begun