• Goodbye my dear friend
    Who I hold so close
    Whos power you selflessly lend
    Who helped me destroy my foes
    You are my savior
    You are my love
    You are always in my favor
    You send my enemies to the above
    I love you my gun
    I praise you my avenger
    You are one I will never shun
    But now I must bury you, one so tender
    I must run away, take flight
    Or suffer the never ending fight

    You have served me in war, as partner and friend
    You kept me safe and out of harms way
    But this last, this final, goodbye, is a neccessary end
    Forgive me for my tears, but there is more I can say
    You are also destuctive, and as cold as the endless winter
    You never try to listen, and take the lives of the innocent
    In the eyes of the people, of God, you are a sinner
    You power, your strength, you use it as repent
    Goodbye my enemy, my greed, my ambition
    It is time I bury you, your lies, and my denial
    We both in truth are weak, creating fear, anger and deseption
    Because of you, Imust leave, I must disappear for a long while
    Because of you, I am dead
    Because of you, I let my leave be unsaid