i am here to inform you that my colleague, mister yomanei isman has passed away and left a large sum of money, as inheritance. if you could please help me in a small transaction, i will be happy to provide you a portion--
    H3Y H0TT!3. W4NT 2 PUT MOR3 M34T !N UR BURR!T0?
    Out caste, caste down, castigated, over caste, castoff... Bollywood doesn't show the dirty children. Dalit. Untouchable. Dalit. Unspeakable. Dalit. Read between the lines on sunburnt faces. Dalit. Scrape alleyways for food. Dalit. Untie the knots of old hands. Dalit. Plant seeds of knowledge in the young and old.
    You and I are binary, we are nothing, if not positive. From a zero, to someone, to a zero again, equally necessary and consequential, without recognition like the tastelessness of mountain air, or cereal before you've had any coffee.
    Despite our age, we are young, and bumbling, on hands and knees, from birth we stumble, humbly reaching, skyward, trying to make a stand. It's frightening, faced with emptiness, but this is no void. Each day, families work to fill the chasms of their children's stomachs. Every moment, friends put Love in the vacuum left by Loss.
    The wiser say: ALWAYS HAVE HIGH HOPES
    It's hard to wish without wanting, but it can be accomplished. Take off the masks, they only make it hard to speak. Brave the bad and bring in good. Shed your leaves and face the winter, you know that spring will come.
    This is not another piece of chainmail, 'though you're free to pass it on. Star my messages, flag these love-letters.
    Open your inbox, open your arms, open your mind!
    I am the revolution. I will be the "I love you virus" that infects everyone you know. I want to make the kissing disease something that doesn't require a doctor.
    Reply to all:
    Yes and I do and I love you.
    Thank you.