• Everyone says snow is beautiful and should be admired.
    Well I knew snow once and it is a cold and harsh mistress.
    At first it seems that it will lay comfort upon you.
    But then as it touches your hand it melts away quickly.

    I used to ask myself "Is there something wrong with me?"
    It took a many long sleepless nights that I learned the truth.
    Even though in my heart I wanted snow to myself I could never have her.
    She belongs to no one and stays with no one.

    She is a being of true pain and agony.
    Never can she be comforted.
    For she will get burned and melt.
    She will come and go with the seasons, looking for love.

    But that is her path and she must walk it alone.
    May she find what we will all find in life. True Love.