• I walk down this tunnel
    i breathe in deep and slow
    i'm afraid of the dark
    afraid of the dead silence.

    Where am i
    i don't know.
    Suddenly it's no longer quiet
    i think i here voices.

    There's light now
    It's getting brighter
    there's a door
    i'm so close now.

    Almost there.
    I reach for the handel
    the voices are louder now
    but still i can't make out the words.

    I push the door open
    it's dark and quiet
    i try to turn around
    to walk back into the light and noise

    The door is no longer there
    what happened?
    I'm falling fast but
    my feet are planted to the ground

    I don't understand
    please help me
    now there's just one voice
    one little light

    I don't know what he's saying
    but he's willing me to go to him
    suddenly i'm there
    i haven't moved my feet

    He takes my hand
    Who is he?
    he's beautiful
    he's scary.

    We head to the light
    But the light is blinding
    i want to go back
    i break free from his grasp

    I run back to the room
    he is gone and
    i am trapped here
    forever in the silent dark.