• what is pain?

    People say pain is a feeling that you feel
    other people say its a broken arm or leg.
    is it when your heart is broken and torn
    fall down don't get back up.

    when you've had your heart broken it hurts
    or is it when you cant eat.
    Is it when you live on the street
    kicked down and beaten in the street.

    have to steal just to eat
    have to rob houses
    hope you don't get caught get shot
    run away and hide in the shadow evading capture.

    What is pain when you are growing up and are abused .
    Get beaten every day for even doing the slightest thing wrong.
    In school if you get even a B in one of your classes you get beaten.
    seems like everyone hates you and wants you to die.

    Catching on fire rolling around everyone watching you roll on the floor.
    Laughing as you scream rolling around on fire.
    Finally someone puts the fire out
    then you look at your body you got third degree burns all around your body.

    what if you were in Iraq you get shot.
    Your friends are there to help you
    you get pinned down by the enemy.
    Your friends manage to get you and themselves out of enemy territory.

    But then just as they save you the enemy attacks your squad.
    You try to help your squad but with you being critically injured.
    You try to shoot the enemy soldier but you cannot shoot him.
    But then you see the enemy soldier shoot a rocket at your squad.

    Just as you see the rocket coming towards you notice something.
    That its not flying towards your squad
    but just then you see where its flying towards.
    a building the rocket hits *explosion*.

    You notice after the explosion that you are still alive.
    But then you notice where the build had collapsed.
    you were just far enough away to survive the explosion and the building collapsing.
    but your squad was not and then you see your squad members dead bodies.

    Just lying there lifeless some alive just screaming in pain as they die slowly.
    You know whats happened and then you start wishing that you died instead of them.
    And then your platoon finds you there injured crying.
    They see you and they know what happened.

    If you were in any of these positions you would know the real true meaning of pain.

    cry crying ninja cool ninja cry cool

    written by levi crampton aka balla12345678