• The noises keep my hinges oiled
    But lead you to believe
    That the only love worth anything is love where your heart ends up shattered
    Empty friends
    Use your acceptance to gain more favor
    Backwards memories, from him to her to you
    Who is the culprit?
    Who is the one to blame?
    Ivory piano keys that once glistened
    Are now coated with a thin layer of dust
    A thin layer of time
    A thin layer of memories
    Relatives in empty towns in forgotten states
    There but not
    Pity votes and discipline
    Is the contact you keep fair?
    Or are you still hanging on to something you let go of?
    Mementos and keepsake you burn
    Forget to remember to forget
    Once helpful but now fatal injections
    The reason you lead yourself to believe the lies you told
    This will be a constant reminder
    Of the time you decided to do the right thing
    And ended up doing the wrong one
    Remember, remember, forget
    Great intentions
    Terrible results
    Broken hearted heart breaker
    They all think you're having fun, don't they?
    You aren't, are you?